Chapter 4

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"Well then give me permission to go," I said. "Sorry I can't do that," Peter said. "Why not I want to go home," I said raising my voice. "Listen I only take people to my island if they feel like they don't feel loved," Peter said. "Do you feel like that," he asked me smirking. I did not respond. Sometimes I feel like that but I never truly thought about it. My grandmother only cares about staying alive and bingo. My sister really only cares about her self. The only people that I could think of that might give a crap would be Veronica or Evie. But I haven't seen them in a while. "Well do you," Peter said snapping me out of my thoughts. "I don't know," I lied. "Doesn't matter your not leaving any way," he said. I was angry scared and annoyed. I was going to act innocent and peaceful till tonight when I plan on running away and funding a way off this place. "Okay well should I go to bed and disturb you any more," I said innocently. "Sure love," he said. I walked over to my tent. Inside was a bed and a small desk and shelf. I sat on the bed and stared out the window. I looked around and saw a small somewhat path. That's were I plan on going tonight when everyone else is asleep. I tried to imagine what it would be like and how to get off when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw a boy standing there. "Hello I'm Swayer ," the boy said. He was tall and muscular. He had dirty blond hair and brown eyes. "May I come in," Swayer asked me. "Sure," I said then moved away so he could get in. "What do you need," I asked not wanting to talk to any of them. "Just wanted to answer any more questions you had," he said sitting on my bed. Perfect my chance to know what's out there for when I leave. "Only one what's out there," I asked pointing to the woods. "Well a lot of things mostly think trees and plants. The beast mostly roams on the other side of the woods. Then worst thing you have to look out for is tripping over a sick." He said laughing. "What beast," I asked. "We call it the secret beast because no one has ever lived to tell about it. They have died," he said. "What does it do," I asked still curious. "Well, it chases you then eats you hole. If you do manage it get away it stalks you until your dead," he replied. "Wow sound scary," I said. "It is but it's pretty rare to run into him. Only lost three boys to it," he said like it was the most normal thing. "Okay well thanks," I said trying to get him to leave. "Why did you want to know," he asked. I paused before answering "I just wanted to know," I lied. "Okay well anymore questions don't be afraid to ask," he said before leaving. I was scared but this place seems dangerous so I'm leaving.

Try and publish next part today or tomorrow. Please read, like, and vote.

Ily-Michaela 😬

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