Chapter 47

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I opened the eyes and regretted it. My eyes went wide at the sight I saw seeing. Hook was holding Wendy with a knife to her throat. "Not another move or I will kill her." Hook said. You could see the horror in Wendy's eyes and she was crying. That's why no one has seen her in camp Hook must have gotten her and no one even knew. Hook looked crazy. His skin and eyes were a sickly color and he looked like he haven't eaten in days or gotten any sleep. "Just let her go." Pan said sternly. All Hook did was laugh and hold her tighter. "What do you want." I shouted. "Okay listen if you let me kill you I will let her go." He said meaning me. "Why." I asked. "Do I really need a reason." Was all he said. "No." Peter said holding my arm but I pulled away and started walking away. "No stop don't do it." Wendy was screaming and struggling. "Shut up." He said then pushed her to the side and grabbed me. "No!" Pan screamed but two big people came out and grabbed him and started beating him up and punching kicking him. "No!" I screamed but Hook grabbed me. "Let me kill me kill you and all the will be over." He said. I nodded and got ready. As long as they will be okay I don't care. This is my fault in the first place I deserve it. I closed it and waited. But nothing all I heard was footsteps and a scream. I opened my eyes to see Wendy on the floor with a blood stain. Everything was in slow motion. I ran over to Wendy and she was the one that took the stab. She was breathing weird and covered he wound. Her skin was pale and everything around me stopped. I couldn't move till I felt a slight single in me.


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