Chapter 3

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He held out his hand. I wanted to run and scream and never look back. But if I tried that it looks like I would die. I walked past him not taking his hand and letting him lead the way. We walked to the camp were all the boys split to do something. "This is the camp were we eat, sleep, pretty much anything," Peter said. Next thought some trees there was an open space with all different weapons and a shooting ranges set up. "This is the training center were we will be training you," he said. "What weapons do you like the best," he asked. "I don't know," I said honestly. "We'll find out," he said. We went back to camp and we sat me on a log. "Listen don't go anywhere without me it's dangerous," he says. "Why," I asked. "Well for one there are mermaids in the water that will try and drown you. Also different creatures that try to kill you and the worst of all. Dream first witch contains dream shade. ," he said. "What's dream shade," I asked. "Like a poising found in a plant that will slowly kill you," he said like it was the most normal thing in the world. "It's sound so dangerous so why do you live here," I asked. "Because I can," he said smirking. "Well I," but he cut me off. "No more questions for today lets introduce you," he said pulling me up. He took me to a little fire with logs set around it. We're all the boys were. "Okay this is Felix, Dane, Sawyer, Michael, Jack, Ben, Jake, Even, Kian, John, Ashton, Carson, Thomas, Ken, Brody, Josh, Caleb, Luke, Carl, Nick, Rick, Sam, and Taylor," Peter said going down the row of all the boys. "Well it was nice meeting you all but can one of you tell me how to get home," I said. "Home," Peter said then laughed. "This is your home love. You can't get off this island without my permission," he said.

I'll try and publish the next part tomorrow. Please read, like , and vote. Ily thanks.
-Michaela 😬

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