Chapter 34

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I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I was too much on edge. I really wish I could sleep. I haven't had a full night sleep since I came here. Since I couldn't sleep I got up and went outside. There was a log and j went over sat on it looking out into the woods. I was just sitting there thinking and staring. I don't even notice the presence next to me. I looked slightly to the side and saw it was Carl. I immediately tensed. We sat there a little longer in awkward science. Till I spoke up. "I couldn't sleep." "Yes me either," he replied. "Sorry about earlier," he started to say but I interrupted him. "No it's my fault. I over reacted. It's my fault you had a much worse life then me. Sorry," I said looking down. "Yea well we both have had a hard life," he said. "Yea I guess we all have something in common," I said with a slight laugh. It's a stupid thing to have in common but it's true. "So what's your story why do you hate your life," I asked. But immediately regretted it when I saw his face. "Well when I was eight my dad died. He was the best. I had great parents and a older sister. It was as close to a perfect as you could get. But he died my sister moved out and my mother started abusing drugs. She neglected me and started abusing me. Soon later I found out my sister killed herself. That made my mom go over the edge and she really started abusing me. That's pretty much it I came here and it's better then before," he said looking down the whole time. He had a tear in his eyes. I hugged him from the side. "It's okay. I know how it feels," I said rubbing his arm. "For me my mom died giving birth to me and soon later my dad died in a car crash. So I lived with my sister and grandmother. She's sick and I have to take care of her 24/7 and my sister does nothing but yell at me and annoy me. I hardly have a life I work all the time. But agin it's better here kinda." I finished off with a little laugh. I don't realize that I had a tear in my eye and Carl was looking at me. "But hey we survived so it's worth it," I said looking at him. I stared then we hugged. "Yea," Carl breathed out.

*says going to try harder
*posts late
*apologies but still post late
*face plants

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