Chapter 29

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I was sitting there the next I morning. Soon hook would come and give me my morning food. But he don't come. I just expected him to be a little late but he never came. I got curious so I strained to see what was going on. I couldn't see anything but I could hear something. Screams and crashing. I really wanted to know what was going on. I thought it sounded like they were being attacked. I banged on the bars and yelled to be let out and I wanted to see. I kept banging then someone came down. I was shocked completely shocked. I ran to the other side of the cell. It was Pan. Peter. He used his magic and he bent the bars open and ran towards me. I was all the way agents the wall in compete shock. "It's okay. I told you I would get you back," he said.

Jshdosndisbskdnakdb. Twist.

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