✦ forty four ✦

48 1 0

Sakayo snorted when she was done reading the papers her brother gave her. "She acts so tough when she's only a bar waitress" she grumbled as she took the envelope which contained a couple of pictures.

"Hey bro, you wouldn't mind printing some of these for me right? And I need lots of it" sakayo turned to Ran who only nodded in response.

"Hah, I'm gonna make sure she regretted trying to mess with me" Sakayo chuckled as she skimmed the papers again.

"Oh, how I'm excited to see how she'll react tomorrow once she saw the pictures" she mumbled to herself making Rindou shake his head.

"Yeah, you really need to stop copying us about these kind of things. It's getting kinda scary if you ask me" he said making sakayo look at him with a raise brow.

"Really now? Your scared of me?" She chuckled a bit as she shaked her head. "You really need to stop going with us when we deal with some traitors, you've developed a bad habit already" he grumbled.

"Oh come on Rin, I only do this once in a while. You know that right? Plus it was her who started it first!" Sakayo huffed as she defended herself.

"Just leave her be Rin, as long as she doesn't get hurt that's fine" Ran said making Sakayo beam at him.

"But I do agree with him, about you going with us. It needs to stop, I don't want you to get hurt, that's the last thing I want to see sis" Ran sighed making sakayo nod.

"Fine, I'll stop. As long as you promise that you'll buy me chocolates and pizzas once a week" Sakayo said making Ran's mouth twitch.

Rindou snorted at her. "Yeah, that really needs to stop" He grumbled making her laugh.

"Alright you two, that's enough. I'll be in the kitchen making dinner if you need me" Ran said as he stood up and left.

"Can't we just order some food? I'm thinking maybe some sushi? Or sea foods? Or maybe we can eat out for some ramen or steak" Sakayo called out to him.

"Rindou also agrees with me!" She quickly added making Rindou raise a brow. "I didn't say anything" Rindou called out to Ran, making sakayo turn to him with a glare.

"No, don't believe him. He just said it a couple of seconds ago" Sakayo said making Ran chuckle from the kitchen. "Fine, alright. I'll order us some sushi and maybe a couple of other sea foods" Ran said as he went back to the living room and grabbed his phone.

"Yes! I also want some pizza and ice cream" Sakayo beamed making Ran smile and shake his head. "Alright, Chocolate flavor ice cream?" He asked making her hum.

"Yeah, you know it. And I want my usual pizza" she said making Ran nod. After a few tap on his phone he finally set it down.

"Food will be here in half an hour. What do we do now while we wait?" Ran asked making sakayo think for a moment before an idea came to mind.

"How about we play some cards while we wait?" She asked making her brothers shrug. "Alright" Rindou said making her grin.

{... }

"Rin! Fucking stop peaking at my cards! Your not playing fair!" Sakayo kicked Rindou as she sent him a glare and hide her cards.

Rindou just smirked at her. Just then, the door bell rang. "I'll go get it, and don't even think of trying to peak at my card!" Sakayo said as she pointed at Rindou.

Ran gave her the money and she went to take the food. "Stupid idiot, he wasn't playing fair all this time. No wonder I kept on losing" she muttered under her breath as she opened the door.

"Good evening, an order for Sir Ran?" The delivery guy asked. "Yeah, that's my brother" Sakayo said as she handed the money to guy and took the food from his hands.

She then quickly close the door before the guy can even respond. She then hurriedly went back in the living room, just in time to catch Rindou peaking at her card.

"Bastard! You really weren't playing fair!" She yelled making Rindou flinch. "Too bad sis, you lost five games against me" Rindou said making sakayo put the food on the floor before she chased after rindou.

Ran just watch them, laughing his ass off. Though he won't be laughing for long once sakayo or Rindou find out that he too, took a glance at their cards without them knowing.


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