✦forty three ✦

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{.... }

"I can't really wait for that girls face later on" Sakayo muttered as she, Akira and Ivy walked to the school gate.

"Looks like your really gonna give a hard time here" Akira said and sakayo just smirked. "Of course, I'm gonna give her a hard time so she better watch out. She didn't know who she messed with" sakayo huffed.

"I wonder what you'll do" Ivy chuckled, already knowing too well what her friends gonna do, after all, this wasn't the first time that happened.

And every single one of the people who tried to humiliate her or even belittle her, would end up being kicked out of the school or they personally leave due to all the embarrassment and harassment.

"Don't worry about that, I already have some information about her waiting at home, so maybe tonight I'll start my plan" Sakayo said with a shrug.

"Well I'll see you guys tomorrow" she said as she spotted Rindou hiding in the corner waiting for her.

"Psst, come on now" She said once she reaches rindou. "So mind telling me why you called me earlier to find information about the girl you said?" Rindou asked with a raised brow.

"Well she fucking splash her water on me!" Samayl huffed making Rindou raise a brow. "So you called us for that?" He asked and sakayo hummed in response.

"I wonder what you'll do this time" Rindou muttered making sakayo smile. "Oh, you'll know that soon" She said making Rindou shake his head.

"Whatever you gonna do make sure it's not something dangerous, the last thing me and Ran want is you being hurt and all" Rindou sighed as he ruffled her hair making her pout.

"Stop messing my hair!" She whined making rindou chuckle. "Stop it!" She huffed making rindou stop.

"Can we buy something to eat first? I'm hungry" Sakayo said as she got in the car. "Hmm sure, what do you want?" Rindou asked making her think for a few minutes.

"Ice cream and pizza" she said making him nod. "Alright" Rindou said as he started the car.

{... }

"I always wonder where the hell do you stuff all the things you eat" Rindou sighed as they finally reached the house.

"In the secret compartment of my stomach" Sakayo said making Rindou roll his eyes. "Yeah yeah" Rindou grumbled making her laugh.

Once they got inside the car, Rindou drove back to their house. But as they were halfway through, Rindou suddenly turned to a different direction making sakayo furrow her brows in confusion.

"Do have somewhere else you need to go to?" She asked with a raised brow. "Duck and don't try looking up until I say so" Rindou said to her.

She instantly did what she was instructed, knowing only one thing why Rindou ask her to do this.

"So, should I call Ran?" She asked and Rindou justod before he pulled out his gun from the glove compartment and rolled down his window.

Without any hesitation, he fired three shot at the car that was following them, one of the bullets missed but the other two went through.

"You really don't care if others well get caught right?" Sakayo let out a small chuckle. "It's better that way than having you get hurt" Rindou answered.

"Ran already knows where we are and said to turn left. They'll be waiting for us at an Alley way near the Spring fountain cafe" She said making Rindou nod.

"You know, that's kinda odd to name your cafe like that" she grumbled making Rindou chuckle. "Even at situations like this you really find things to complain at" he said as he shakes his head and turned left.

He looked around before he spotted the cafe. He instantly parked the car and both of them got out.

Three of my subordinates will borrow your car and lose the pursuers" Ran said as he walked towards them.

They then hurriedly went to the alley way as the subordinates got inside Rindou's car and drove away.

"You didn't get hurt now did you sis? Let me see" Ran said as he turned to sakayo. Looking up and down at her, trying to find a single scratch.

But when he notice there wasn't any, he heaved out a small sigh of relief. "Alright, let's go home now" he said as Rindou and sakayo quietly followed after him.


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our little treasure ( sanzu version) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang