〡eleven 〡

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Look's like someone's in a bad mood" Akira said once sakayo reached them. You think? Sakayo asked as she sent a small glare at her friend.

Woah, calm down tiger" Akira said as she held her hands up in a mocking surrender.

Sakayo rolled her eyes as they began walking to their classes. See you guys at lunch" sakayo said to them and they just nod in response.

You better tell us what happened" Ivy said before sakayo opened the door to her classroom. Sakayo nod at her before she opened the door and went inside.

Morning sakayo"

Hey sakayo"

Good morning"

Morning class presedent"

Various greetings greeted sakayo once she entered the room. Good morning to you guys too" sakayo said to them with a smile that made some of the boys blush and the girls smile back at her.

She was about to take a seat until someone grabbed her chair making her fall. And almost most of the students glared at whoever the person was.

Oops sorry " the girl said and her two friends snicker behind her. I don't think you're in this class, so I suggest you leave along with your little pets " sakayo said as she looked up and down at the three girls.

The girl who she assumes to be the leader rolled her eyes. Ooh I'm so scared" she scoffed making sakayo groan.

Can someone drag them outside? I am not in the mood to deal with this now" sakayo said and just then some of the girls grab them.

Hey! Let go! One of her minion shrieked but the girls just glared at her. Can't you see your troubling sakayo? One of the girl's dragging them out said in a harsh tone.

So? What's it to you if we're troubling her, hell what's it to all of you! The leader shouted.

Because we can't let some bitch trouble our class president and the school beauty! One of the the boys response and the others just agree to him.

Now out! The girl's pushed them out of the classroom a bit harshly and slammed the door closed.

Thanks for the help and please don't slam the door hard next time" sakayo said and giggled as the girl who shut the door looked away in embarrassment.

Okay now class settle down" the teacher said once she went inside, checking out on their attendance first before she proceeded on with the class.


Soo? Why the hell were you in a bad mood earlier? Ivy asked as they now looked for a seat at the cafeteria.

Eh, sanzu almost ate all of the food for breakfast and I didn't get even to have a little revenge on him, my brothers won't let me" sakayo response with a huff as they finally found a table.

Damn, no wonder" Akira mumbled earning an eye roll from sakayo and the three of them then began eating, talking about there classes.

Fuck?! Those bitches better not show their face to me or they gonna go bald if I get my hands on their hair" Ivy angrily said.

You know them? Sakayo said and ivy nod in response. Yeah, they're from my second period class, they're annoying bitches " she added.

Akira snickered before she saw someone going to them. Hey isn't that them? She asked and pointed at the three girls earlier.

Watch this" sakayo said and walked they're way, grabbing a drink from one of the students table. The student was about to complain but shut up and he saw it was sakayo.

Oops sorry" sakayo said as she splashed the drink at the girls uniform making her shriek.

Hey! You did that on purpose! One of her friends say. Oh? Did I know? Sakayo asked and looked around with a raised brow.

There were some students who said no while some just stayed quiet. See? I didn't do that on purpose " sakayo said with a smile as she put the cup on the nearby table before turning away.

She can practically feel the glare of the three and she had a feeling she and the school principal will be meeting each other in a few hours or maybe right after school.


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