〡eighteen 〡

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So, how about this one? Ran asked as he showed sakayo a place at beach resort.

Nah, I love the beach but the place doesn't really look good" Sakayo said as she look at the pictures Ran showed her.

How about here? An outside venue would be great. Then we can celebrate it at night so we can have some fireworks" Rindou said as he showed sakayo the pictures he found about the place.

Hmm, an outside venue does sound great, then we can have the decorations light so it would be great" Ran said with a grin.

Hm it does seem good and many people have left good review about the place" Sakayo said as she look on the place more.

Can we visit this? So that I can see the place face on and not just one pictures " Sakayo said and her brothers just nod.

Of course, if you want" Rindou said as he ruffled her hair. No! Not my hair" Sakayo grumbled as she swat his hand away making Rindou chuckle.

As they discuss this topic, Sanzu was passed out on the sofa, well now his more like laying in the floor.

Are we just gonna leave him like that? sakayo asked as she looked at Sanzu then at her brothers with a raised brow.

Yeah let him be" Ran answered making sakayo nod and then continue to check out the venue her brother showed her.

I'll call someone from there,to see what day are they free so that we can visit" Rindou said.

Or to be exact, when will you be able to" Ran corrected his brother. Huh? Why just me? Sakayo asked.

Well it might be dangerous for us to be around you, you might get caught in bad situation. Plus last time you were seen with us at the mall" Ran said.

We don't want to put you in danger" He added and sakayo just nod. But, isn't throwing me a birthday party also gonna let them know? Sakayo asked.

Well yeah, but we'll make sure that the only people there are the most trusted my bonten and bonten itself " Rindou said.

Well okay then, just asked them when and tell me, I'll be in my room" Sakayo said as she stood up.

Rest well okay? Good night " Ran said and sakayo just nod and went upstairs. Hm, well a party does sounds good, but it would be great if they just kept it a secret from me" Sakayo chuckled as she layed down on her bed.

Sakayo, your not going to school tomorrow. You can attend next week" Ran said, loud enough for her to hear him.

Huh?! Why?! Sakayo said as she ran to her door and opened it. After what happened today you think I'll allow you to go out? Nope" Ran said making sakayo groan.

Fine! But if the teachers ask me why you better give them a god damn explanation " Sakayo said before she closed her door.

I will! She heard Ran said making her groan more. Well on the bright side, I can stay up late today" she grinned and flop down her bed.

Now all I need to do is text Ivy I won't be going to school until next Monday " she mumbled to herself and took her phone.

I'm really gonna get myself killed" she grumbled and texted ivy. She took a deep breath and set her phone down.


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