〡sixteen 〡

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Ha~ what a relief " sakayo mumbled as she walked out of her bathroom with a towel in hand drying her hair.

I wonder if Ran and Rindou are back? She thought as she hung her towel and went to brush her hair.

Probably should check it out, after all I didn't get my phone back earlier so they must have it' she thought as she set down her brush and went down stairs.

Ran! Rin rin" sakayo grinned once she saw that her brothers were in the living room. Do you have my phone? Sakayo asked, hoping that they would say yes.

Ran reached out for it in his pocket and handed it to her. She smile as she took it from his hand and instantly called Ivy.

Bitch! How could you?! You didn't answer my calls or messages and you didn't even show up at school today! How could you" Ivy said once she answered the call making sakayo move her phone away from her ears a bit.

I am literally sorry Ivy, I'll explain to you tomorrow what happened okay? But I need to know first of we had any homework or project? Sakayo asked.

Nothing that I can think of so I guess there isn't? Ivy answered her thought to her it almost sounded like a question rather than an answer.

Sakayo heave out a sigh, okay then let me know if there is and I promise I'll explain things to you tomorrow " sakayo said before she ended the call.

She then checked her phone to see dozens of missed calls and messages from her brothers, from Ivy and a few from  Akira.

Yep, I have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow to them" sakayo mumbled making Ran laugh and pat her head.

What do you want for dinner? Ran asked making sakayo think for a moment. Hmm how about we order some Chinese food? She asked and Ran just nod.

Okay then, you can go back to your room to rest if you want. I'll call you when the food is here" Ran said as he took his phone out and ordered some food.

Nah, I'll just stay here" Sakayo said as she sat down besides Rindou. So did you guys found out who they were? Sakayo asked, referring to the people would took her.

Yeah, they were just some random group of kidnappers " Ran answered and sakayo just hum.

And don't worry you won't be seeing then anymore " Rindou said as he patted her head.

Yeah I know that" sakayo mumbled as she scrolled through her phone. You know I wanna learn how to cook" Sakayo suddenly blurted out.

Finally! Ran said as he looked at his sister with a grin, now totally ignoring he was talking to sanzu just a few seconds ago.

But not tonight, I might just burn the whole house down if I do" she mumbled making Rindou laugh.

You probably would" he said between his laugh making sakayo hit him in the shoulder. Better watch your mouth or I'll burn your car" Sakayo hissed making him stop laughing.

Sakayo let out a angry huff before she turned around. Oh? You mad at me? The guess no chocolates later then" Rindou said making her slightly look at him.

What kind of chocolate? She asked still not completely facing him. Your favorite ones" Rindou a swered making Sakayo look at Ran, who in response nod at her. Telling her that rindou was indeed telling the truth.

Fine, I'm not mad anymore" sakayo grumble making Rindou grin. But shame on you, back then you can't even properly boil some water" she said to him.

This made both Sanzu and Ran burst out laughing. She got you there, that's true" Ran said in between in laugher.

Rindou's turned red from both embarrassment and being pissed of because sanzu was now on the floor laughing like an idiot.

Seeing him laugh like that sakayo also burst out laughing, making Rindou more embarrass and irritated.

No chocolates then" Rindou said as he stood up. Noo! Sakayo whined, still laughing a but as she cling into Rindou.

Ran, help me" Sakayo said as she hugged Rindou, Ran grinned as he tackled Rindou making the three of them fall on the floor next to sanzu.

Sakayo let out another laugh as she turned her head, only to be met with sanzu's face.

His ocean blue eyes look straight at her pink ones. She didn't know why but she can't just look away from his eyes, but she did once she heard Rindou chasing Ran.

Hey! It was sakayo's idea! Ran said as Rindou chased him around the living room.

Oh shit" Sakayo said once Rindou turned to her. She shot up from the laying on the floor and ran to the kitchen.

Damn you Big bro! Sakayo hissed as she saw Ran laugh at her while Rindou chased her.


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See you in the next update!

our little treasure ( sanzu version) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora