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What? Amara ask clearly shocked at sakayo said, sakayo raised a brow at her.

What? Don't think I don't know that you slept with the teacher to get an A+ on you science test? I mean the whole school knows that" sakayo said.

Amara was about to say something else when sakayo stop her, don't even try bullying my friend again or I will make sure that you won't be going to this school anymore " sakayo growled.

Ivy and Akira were also shocked, not only them but the rest of the students who were gathered there.

I mean it's not often they saw there top student get angry and cuss like that.

Now how about you go before I change my mind and tell them that you also slept with Chad, opps that slip out" sakayo said with a snicker.

Amara's face turned pale, how? She ask as she gave a small glare at sakayo. Oh I have my ways honey so you better know who your messing with" sakayo said and turned away.

Just as the bell rang, welp I'll see you girls later in lunch" sakayo said and walked away, the other students made a way for her.

I never expect that from sakayo " a student said to her friend besides her, her friend just nod.


Sakayo opened her classroom door and found that the professor was still not there and see few more students were also not there.

Making her way to her seat and taking her book while she waited patiently wait for the professor.

And about 10 minutes later the professor finally came, okay class please take your seats and open your books on page 56" the professor said and waited for the students to open their books.

Once he saw that all of them had their books he began discussing the lesson, sakayo was taking small notes while the professor was discussing the lesson.


That's all for today and you may have your lunch now" the professor said and left.

Sakayo smiled as she gathered all her things then taking out her lunchbox.

When she got outside Ivy and Akira were already waiting for her, let's go to the rooftop" Ivy said.

Sure just let me put my things in my locker" sakayo said as they walk towards her locker.

I wonder what will my score on the math test" akira mumbled. You had a test on your math? Ivy ask.

Yep we had a pop quiz" akira answered as sakayo juzt nod as she opened her locker.

She then set all her things tgere except her lunch box and closed her locker. Hey! You still haven't answered my question earlier,how did you know it! They all heard Amara said.

Some students stop and looked at them, did Amara just yelled at Sakayo? My how bold of her to do that" a student said.

I thought i already said it, i have my way so you better know who your messing with" sakayo said.

Now if you'll escuse us we still need to eat" sakayo said as she grabbed her best friends hands.

She can fell amara's glare at her so she stop, you can glare at me all you want but if your planning on hurting my friends expect being expelled in this school" she said.

Amara scoff, like you can do that" she said and rolled her eyes. You wanna bet? sakayo ask with a closed eyed smile.

Amara look at her for a few seconds before she walk away, sakayo scoff. What's her problem? Sakayo said as they began walking towards the rooftop.

And once they reach there they found a spot and sat there, What's your lunch today sakayo? Ivy ask as she opened her lunch box.

Hmm,i dont know yet" sakayo said and she then opened her lunch box, ohh sushi! Sakayo said with a smile.

Ooo can i have some? Akira ask, sure" sakayo response. The three of them the began eating, sharing their food with one anoter.

So sakayo is there anyone who you took a liking at? Ivy ask all of a sudden making sakayo chocked on what she was eating.

Gee here" ivy said as she handed sakayo a bottle of water. So does that mean yes or  no? Akira ask her after she finished drinking.

No" sakayo response bluntly making her two best friends pout.  But why?? They ask at the same time.

Because I didn't find that someone yet" sakayo said as she rolled her eyes a little.

Well how about we help you find that someone? They ask at the same time again.

No! Sakayo said making her friends burst out laughing.


Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter! And I have decided that I will update this book every Monday or Wednesday.

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our little treasure ( sanzu version) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt