〡ten 〡

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Dinner's ready" Ran said from the kitchen and so, sakayo stood up and went there.

Sanzu followed after her as well making her raise a brow. Wait... Aren't you gonna go home" sakayo said to him.

Nah, I'm staying here" Sanzu response making the siblings look at him. Oi idiot, this isn't your house" Ran said.

Still staying here" sanzu stated earning a kick from Ran. Fuck! What was that for?! Sanzu asked with a growl but Ran just ignore him and continue to eat.

Sakayo just silently giggle as she continue to eat. And after they ate she was the one who washed the dishes.

And then done! Sakayo said as she put the last dish in the dish rack. I'm done with the dishes, I'll be in my room if you guys need something " she said to them.

Okay then" Rindou respond as they continue to work on something in their laptops and phone.

Now what am I gonna do? Sakayo thought to herself as she rolled around her bed and stared at her ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in her whole room.

Yeah, her ceiling was more interesting that the paintings hang inside her room. You know what I'll be in the library instead " she mumbled and stood up.

She then went to their library, and search throughout the dozens of bookshelves for something to read.

Nah, this would probably take me two days to read"

Already read it"

Not interested "

Sounds lame"

Ooo this seems good" sakayo said as she pick a book and went to sit in the sofa located in the middle part of the library.

Should I get something to eat? But I just ate dinner not long ago"  she mumbled to herself.

Hmm I'll just get some later, for now I'm gonna start reading this" she said as she opened the book and began reading it.


About a few hours later the library door burst open and Rindou stood with, heaving a sigh of relief.

You good bro? Sakayo asked as she closing the book she was reading. No! Why the hell are you even in the library at this hour?! It's fucking pass 1 in the morning " Rindou said.

And that is pass your bedtime little miss" Ran said as he crossed his arms. Sakayo smiled sheepishly as she stood up.

Heh, sorry" sakayo said as she and her brothers went back to her room. Now go to sleep " Ran  said as he kissed her forehead and turned the lights of.

Sakayo closed her eyes as she heard her brothers close her door, sleep then over  came her and she dozed off.


Hey sakayo, time to wake up or your gonna be late for school " Sakayo heard Ran say as he knocked on her door.

Hmm I'm up" sakayo response and let out a yawn, her door opened and Ran  stood there with a amused smile.

She saw still laying in her bed wrapped in her blanket yet she said she was up. Come on now sis, wake up" Ran said as he gently shake her.

If your not gonna get up sanzu might finish all the food, too bad it's your favorite " Ran response.

Huh?! Tell sanzu if he dares eat all the food I will break his nose! Sakayo said as she suddenly stood up but regretted it a little since her head ache a little.

Yep I should not have done that" she mumbled causing Ran to laugh. Just go take a shower and come down stairs " he added before he left her room.

Sakayo sat back down on her bed for a moment before she stood up again and went to her closet, taking out her uniform and placed it down on her bed.

She grabbed a towel before closing her closet door and went to her bathroom.


Sanzu! I'm gonna kill you! Get back here! Sakayo growled as she was being held by Ran and Rindou.

Hey sis calm down or else your gonna get your uniform wrinkled " Ran said trying to calm his sister down.

No! He ate all my food" sakayo said as she turned to her older brother with a frown. Not all I put some aside for you so now will you come down? Ran asked and sakayo sigh before nodding.

You and I are still not finished " she said to sanzu as she sat down, Ran and Rindou sat down besides her just in case she tried to murder sanzu. Again.


Hello! I hoped you guys enjoyed today's chapter and sorry of it was short! Please do leave a vote or comment!

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