〡thirty nine 〡

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"Dinner's ready" Ran said making the three of them stand up and go to the kitchen. "Hmm, smells nice" Sakayo smiled which earned a slight chuckle from Rindou.

"Every food smells nice to you sis" he said which made sakayo roll her eyes a bit. "Not really you know, there's some food I hate so technically I really don't like how they smells" sakayo shrugged.

"Pft, whatever" Rindou muttered as he sat down and sakayo sat down besides him. With sanzu sitting opposite to her and Ran was besides him.

"Yeah right, don't forget that your the one who's gonna do the dishes" sakayo muttered.

"I know, no need to remind me" Rindou grumbled making sakayo snicker. Rindou elbowed her slightly making her glare at him.

"What was that for?" She hissed but Rindou just ignored her. "Enough, just finish your food and stop fighting" Ran sighed as he looked at his siblings, surprisingly sanzu just kept quiet.

"Well that's new that he kept quiet" sakayo muttered and quickly finished her dinner. "I'll be in my room if you need me" She said and stood up, putting her plate in the sink.

"Don't stay up late sis" Ran said making her hum as she walked towards the living room. "Should I watch a movie or, just go straight to  my room like I planned?" Sakayo mumbled to herself as she stared at the tv.

"Yeah, I'll just go straight to my room and sleep" She sighed and went upstairs to her room.

"Ah yes, my fluffy bed" she smiled and jumped on her bed. "Sakayo? Hey sis can you come down here for a bit?" Ran questioned as she was slowly drifting to sleep.

"What do you want?" Sakayo answered back, loud as she can so that Ran can hear. "Just get your ass here already" Rindou said this time making her grumble as she stood up.

"What?" She asked as soon as she reached down stairs. "Just wanna say we're leaving since something happened at one of the bars, sanzu will be staying with you here though" Ran said.

"So you called me just to say this? Fine" Sakayo huffed as she turned to sanzu who was already looking at her.

"Yeah no, I'm leaving" Sanzu said and left. "Well looks like your coming with us sis" Ran said making sakayo groan. "Fine, just let me change and we'll go" she said and went back to her room.

{... }

"Remind me again why'd you bring me here?" Sakayo asked as they entered the bar. "Since no one is at home with you and we can't risk that up" Ran said with a shrug.

"Stupid bar problem, I just want my sleep" Sakayo muttered but Rindou still heard it. "You'll get your sleep later, once we're done here" he said making her huff.

"Whatever" she grumbled before looking around. As she was following her brothers and looking around she stopped on her track when she saw someone slightly familiar.

Seeing her stop and looking at a guy both of her brothers also stopped and looked at the guy. "You know him?" Ran asked as he didn't take his eyes of the guy.

"Yeah, he was the fucking guy who put something on my drink last time!" Sakayo said as she sneered. "What?!" Both Ran and Rindou looked at her.

"You deal with the problem Ran, I'll take care of him" Rindou said as he cracked his knuckles. "Hm sure, don't let anybody see his body later" Ran waved them goodbye before leaving.

"Now let's meet this guy" Rindou said and walked towards the guy and his group.


Hello! I'm so sorry for the very late update! I wasn't able to update last time nor was I able to yesterday.

Also sorry for the short chapter, I'll try my best to update more on this story! See you in the next chapter, whenever that is......


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