The Corrider of Elders

Start from the beginning

Wu: Of all the things...

Amethyst: Wu calm down.

Garmadon: Brother, don't let anger cloud your judgement.

Wu: Don't tell me what to do. You're no Sensei, and you've never been one!

Skylor: Don't you see what he's doing? He's divided the ninja, now he's dividing you.

(At Chen's camp, Pythor is still trying to run away from the swamp rat on an exercise wheel.)

Pythor: Wretched contraption. I can't run forever, you filthy rodent. What's the point in being friendly with the ninja if they're never around to save you? (He sees the Book of Spells.) If there's no ninja to be found, may as well become one. Ninja, roll! (He frees himself and lands near the book.) The Book of Spells, finally. Time to find me a spell to make me big again.

Cyrus: (On radio) Another village has fallen, and the ninja have yet to be found. It's only a matter of time until they take over Ninjago City.

Pythor: Hmm. News, always a downer.

Cyrus: How the Anacondrai returned is a mystery.

Pythor: Not a mystery. They're frauds. A true Anacondrai would never stand for this.

Cyrus: If you hear this message, find shelter or find help.

Pythor: Hm. A true Anacondrai would never stand for this. I am a true Anacondrai.

(Lloyd and meet Neuro with each other near a destroyed village.)

Neuro: They're heading west. I tried to stop them, but I'm just a mind reader. I couldn't help anymore.

Lloyd: But you can help me. Can you send a message to all of the fighters at once?

Neuro: I can try.

(He does so, and they meet up at the Samurai X Cave.)

Neuro: Thank goodness you got my message.

Kai: Look at you.

Skylor: The spell is wearing off, but my father's antics sadly have not.

Wu: Tea? (He ignores Garmadon and gives it to Misako.)

Lloyd: He knows about the letter?

Garmadon: The message was delivered.

Griffin: So why were we asked here? We should be fighting snakes.

Wu: Because anyone can fight. Only one side can declare victory.

Nya: In the time it took you to get here, Chen has taken over the entire Eastern seaboard and is moving inland. With each village destroyed, they grow stronger.

Karlof: That's a lot of red. Karlof not like red.

Gravis: How are we supposed to stop them? Most of us have lost control of our dragons, not to mention we're outnumbered ten to one.

Zane: Actually, 62.4 to one.

Coral: That doesn't make it better Zane.

Lloyd: Look, I'm scared like the rest of you. It may look like we've lost, but it's not over. When we thought we lost Zane, it nearly tore us apart. But we didn't quit. We let it fuel us. We grew stronger.

Coral: And now with all of your help and powers combined, we will be stronger than ever.

Wu: There's hope. The Corridor of Elders.

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