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You don't love me you never did even now your love had caused me pain rather than heal the wounds caused by you . You scar me one after another hoping we could be together we were never meant to be I was too foolish to understand this and you are too stubborn to accept it - Advira

Advira P.O.V

Numbness was all I felt . I looked around the dark room the only source of light was the moonlight coming through the window as a strong wind blew and a shiver ran down my spine , I observed everything the shackles were gone . I felt similar to what I felt when I discovered John hatred towards me numb . I welcomed the numbness basking in for me it provided me the comfort which I needed my mind was slow due to the effect of medicine I could hear my own breathing my blood running through my veins I tried my best to feel angry , shocked to cry but nothing came out of my mouth just then the door's Knob moved and John along with Gerald and Connor entered I just looked at them I mean really looked it was definitely my first time I gave so much importance to their details the trio is taller than me with all them having blue eyes but of different blue colours like hues in a painters pallete but they couldn't match the beauty of Ethan eyes his eyes were the colour of chocolate brown and if looked carefully showed hue of greens his eyes were ethereal just like him otherworldly . Maybe it was the look I gave them or the medicine or both the new moment John carried me in his arms out of the room talking something to Gerald and Connor who both glanced worriedly towards me as I continued giving them the blank look I couldn't comprehend what they were saying at all it seemed as if their lips were moving slow but their words were coming out fast . My head swayed a bit forcing me to shut my eyes in reflex as almost as if John can pinpoint what I was feeling he rubbed his one arm on my back to and fro patting sometimes which made me relax but they contuined walking reaching the living room John put me down and reached out for the chair on the dining room pulling it out and sitting on it he picked me up placing me on his lap while I stood stiff as a rock in his lap as others also joined plates of food after food came out of nowhere as John began feeding me I tried to back away but realised I didn't have the energy to do so so I did what I could do in that moment chew my pride and ate as John happily scooped spoon after spoon of that noodliy dish down my mouth they all seemed too carefree too chill too normal as if everything was okay was it I looked towards my wrist they were no longer bandaged and there wasn't any mark or bruise on them ( she is hallucinating here ) I looked at Leo who smiled at me then at Connor who gave me a polite smile then to Gerald who passed me a glass of water since he thought I was eyeing the water in his hand and then I looked at John who was looking at me already instead of cowering away in his gaze or lashing on him , I looked at his hypotinizing blue eyes they were the colour of ocean as he gently brushed away some of my hair from my forehead he must have sensed my confusion as he smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead and whispered to me shh.. It's all right . I got you okay don't cry vira just then his eyes changed to ocean blue to chocolate brown with hues of forest green in them his face morphed into ethan's and his embrace felt so soothing I reacted and hugged Ethan feeling safe in his embrace from his chest I looked at everyone they were all here hunter was in Leo 's place the twins were sitting across me just like Connor and Gerald were in my dream and we are were eating something I was too caught in my emotions that I didn't felt tears running down my cheeks it was only after Ethan cupped my face gently and told me he will fix everything and I nodded too tired to fighting this on my own I should have just let him handled the matter . Ethan I whispered to him afraid John and others might hear I don't know where they went but they must be nearby . Ethan , I am scared take me with you it's too much my head pains , I want to hug you to go on our silly dinner late at nights , to watch the stars with you , I don't like London it's scary take me with you , I don't like John he is mad crazy they Shot twins and hunter but I am happy you saved them and came for me . Vira , relax we will leave okay just give me some time came the reply. My eyes fluttered to stay awake and before i knew I felt asleep hugging Ethan while he talked with my friends .

John P.O.V

I looked at advira who now fell asleep hugging me . It's the medicine Connor replied which had fucked up her brain for few hours she will be hallucinating then it should be fine . I clenched my fist in anger as she countuied murmuring about Ethan how much he meant for her , their conversation their little meet up at nights it took every ounce of my being to not lash at her but it was benefiting me she was providing me every information I needed for me and avdira to live happily ever after Ethan have to go for good. Trust me advira it's for your own good you don't need them I smiled at she in her sleep hugged me more warmth like no other spread in my chest the thought of our bright future together made me feel happy . She will come around I just know it . I reached our bed and put advira down on it making sure she is covered properly and left the room after locking it I sat on the bed and messaged Ethan to meet me in few hours the earlier I solve his problem the better a sudden guilt made me halt my steps but I knew deep down that's it's the only way to stop her she needs to remember that she belongs to me if that's the path she is choosing for us then so be it ; I would rather be a criminal in her mind and life rather not be a part of it all . In all these years I had caused her intense pain a little more grieving of her friend wouldn't hurt me If I get to see her in front me every day ; one day she will happily come in my arms I just know it . I flexed my hand and went outside the room locking it from the outside taking a last glance at advira I adjusted the silencer on my gun and went to meet Ethan with Connor and some of his men Leo was against the idea and so was Matthew but they knew their opinion didn't matter it's between me and my wife and trust me when I say this I will draw blood to have her even if it's her loved ones she is mine .

A/N:- Okay , that was intense not gonna lie . So the next update is here do share your views on this chapter what do you think will happen next ? The next chapter will be the last chapter and it will be long one maybe I will drop it super soon since I am so excited for it ! Plus , I am also planning to write a dark romance mafia book will share the details soon ✨️ . So , till the next time we meet stay safe stay happy .

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