Chapter - 4

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Readers discretion is advised as this chapter contains topic such as mention of abuse and suicide attempts.

Narrator point of view

It was pouring heavily in England , the city of London was experiencing the highest rainfall of the year . People were hurrying on the streets with umbrellas over their head , sheltering them , making way to their homes to their families to their loved ones to seek shelter . The wind was howling as the car drove past each other on the busy streets , shops were being shut down because fo the weather alert in the country but amidst all this one girl was running hiding herself in the crowd moving along the cellphone which she was carrying which belonged to the man who tried to assault her was long gone as she didn't realised that it slipped form her hands with them having no consciousness to where she was going actually her feet dragged along as her long hairs get drenched in the rain her body on hyper alert she turned around a narrow alley and looked back checking to ensure nobody was following her . She stood out among the crowd as her clothes got stuck or her body relieving some of her long scars on her arms which she did when she tried to end herself one year ago . She knew this time that she can't go back now well there was no one there for her to began with but she didn't knew that one day she will be stranded alone in a foreign country with no one to have Lean on , she had high hopes for this relationship but needless to she yet again found herself being unloved and unwanted as if she was nothing but a Playtoy whose only existence was to give pleasure to her tormentor whenever he needed him and then to be thrown away . Many thoughts clouded her mind , fresh tears stung in her eyes threatening to fall through and soak her slightly bruised cheeks , she looked weak , feeling extremely exhausted by the day's unfortunate event she knew that she is unwanted her too and that he wanted to have revenge but does he have to stop so low as to get her assaulted , she never complained to him about anything , did her chores perfectly what mistake had she done that he was treating her like this , if she wasn't quick on her reflexes she knew she would be r***** by now and the more thought of those men touching her terrified her soul . She knew that her status is of a slave but isn't this human decency to atleast let a person live ? Knowing no  one in London she knew that finding a shelter for the night would be tough but she didn't give up because she only had herself going back to the mansion meant that she will be killed by him , death wasn't the thing she was afraid of she didn't want Mr Malhotra's young child be the scapegoat because Hudson is the kind of person who will go to length to have his revenge this is the only thing she knew about him . While advira was roaming the streets on the other hand at the school the sirens of the ambulance can be heard in the distance with stretchers being laid out and emergency staff handling the situation the cops weren't involved yet as Gerald handled the situation well saying that the man were intoxicated and created ruckus after getting in a brawl with each other .

Advira (P.O.V)

I knew that Mr hudson's brother is a spoilt child but I never thought that this family will go to this length . My whole body was numb with pain , sometimes I think that living like this is pathetic ! But what I can do instead of having to worry about things that other people of my age group do , I am fighting a battle of survival and it's tiring to say the least , the floor gets unbearable to sleep at nights in the cold winters season , don't even know when was the last time I ate to my heart content , hunger and sleep deprived is what's describes be the best , it's not that I haven't tried to get a job , even if I manage to land a decent one it's requires sir's permission and he always denies . Sometimes all I want to lie down and cry till when there is no tears left to cry more but I am afraid that my voice will be heard in the mansion and I will be beated . One thing which I have decided that I will not go back to the mansion atleast for some days I will find something to eat and maybe a decent place to sleep . She thought all this while walking mindlessly into the alley but soon her stomach grumbled with hunger and she found herself looking around but all the people seemed to be in a hurry however she approached a young woman asking for anything she can spare as she was hungry but the girl shooed her away like a stray animal and called her names after that she didn't asked anybody as nobody seemed to care and she soon found herself standing in front of a garbage bin . Having no other choice , she open the bin after folding her drenched sleeves she shivered a bit because of the cold wind rustling and looked inside the bin her nostrils welcomed by unpleasant smell of garbage consisting of peels of vegetables , fruits and what not eagerly rummaging through the garbage and soon she found the gold in the garbage a loaf of fresh bread sealed but has expired apparently and a can of juice having a little bit of juice in it . Not caring about the gazes she was getting from passerby she tore the pack open and took four slices of bread and ate it gulping it down through her dry passage with the help of the little juice from the can gulping every sip she can , fresh tears stung in her eyes and this time she couldn't hold back but cry at her site as she felt how lovingly her parents use to watch her eat and make dishes for her and how hurt they must be feeling seeing her eating like this out of a garbage can . She couldn't help but break into low sobs as she felt broken . The clouds have calmed down for a bit but it was getting dark and she needs to find a shelter . After eating she didn't wasted a second and started dragging herself to a nearby church seeking for refugee there in the winds dangling the packet of expired bread , she felt pity on her but can pity , sympathy, empathy was nowhere found in this foreign soil and this soil has to offer her was nothing but pain and anger and cycle continues. She was only was out on the streets out making her way through the howling winds her free hand shielding her eyes from the blowing dust. Soon she found herself standing outside a local church St. Mary church the father of the church was the first one to recognise her as the weeping girl from cemetery they met the first met when she was first thrown out of the house , father Peter is a kind and respected man and due to his helping nature approached her as she was bawling her eyes out of a recent coffin nearby at first he thought that she is the relative of the
deceased but after approaching her he found her brutally beaten Advira was too caught up in her emotions at the time and soon blacked out it was father Peter who took her to church and treated her wound , after making her eat they chatted for a while and father got to know what was happening with the girl and was enraged in his 64 years of life he and serving more than 30 years as the priest he had met more unfortunate souls and Advira is one of them and decided to help her , even suggesting to file a complaint but the girl refused and after understanding her situation completely father Peter for the first time in his life felt useless and upset and confused on how humans instead of being compassionate towards each other can do such a horrible thing . Marriage is seen as a pious relation regardless of religion and being a devout Christian it hurted him to see and witness how a man who says he is a devout Christian can do such things to his wife . Seeing her like this triggered the memories of their first meeting. Advira dragged herself to father Peter and gave a small smile to him before collapsing in father's arms the last thing she remembered was the soft warmth and the familiar scent of old and wrinkled arms around her , she smiled as she recalled the horrified expression on his wrinkled eyes , his white hair shining like a bright star in the full sky . Father Peter hurriedly took her in , needless to say he was worried about her and immediately called the nuns to assist him , having a medical background he soon found out that she collapsed because of hunger , the fresh deep cuts of human nails on her skin surface told him the story of her survival. The nuns soon took her to a small room and make her changed into the available warm clothes the first nun who took off her sweater noticed a long scar on her neck running along and stopping just above her chest it looked like as if someone put something hot on her skin and dragged pressing it hard on the skin hence the pattern etched ot her body as she undressed her further she found huge bruises on her stomach some blue ,some pinkish, some dark blue covering her whole stomach which had sunken due to hunger . The other nuns took the warm towel and dipped in it antiseptic and dragged it gently on the arms along the wrist as her eyebrows knitted in sadness as she found long horizontal lines on her wrists . Her legs were in no good condition either her thighs too had bruises the two worked skillfully and banded the dainty figure lying on the bed .

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