Chapter -9

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It's my first time meeting you yet I feel I know you .

Narrator point of view

The cold winter winds were blowing in the air coating the environment with a thick  blanket of snowy clouds , the air smelled of the holiday season, fresh smell of baked cakes, cupcakes filled the streets as locals and tourists shopped their way , the merry smiles and Christmas carols were being sung aloud , couples and family were celebrating the festival of joy and togetherness , everyone you look the feel of Love and gratitude was in the air . Every house and shop were decorated with lights , Snowman , Christmas tree  and every thing one could think about Christmas however in the Hudson family advira was busy decorating the mansion for yet  another Christmas , it was her job to decorated the whole mansion on her nobody was allowed to help her and apart from that she had to prepare the dinner along with the Christmas cake and despite all these efforts she wasn't even allowed to take a look at the celebration all the servants some with their kids some even with their grandkids use to eat and celebrate the Christmas whole heartedly while the one who did all the work was conviently forgotten it hurted advira but she knew she didn't have a choice sometimes the kids use to look at her with pity and give her some of the food  but after getting scolded by their  parents they stopped . The first snow of the season was loved throughout the country but not for Advira, she loathed the winter season the most , she didn't have anyone to give her a hot cup of coffee after a long day , there was no one around to share a meal , the cold and dry expired canned food sometimes use to form mold which makes it unsuitable for consumption if that wasn't enough her toes use to get swollen in winter due to the lack of warm clothes making her feel pain even while walking , while her other classmates came properly covered up in new winter clothes each year she just had two pairs of school sweaters which made her standout like a sore thumb in the class , she also wanted to feel the warmth of the fuzzy woollen sweaters most of the girls her class were wearing and wanted to just feel the touch of that warm sweater but warmth was nowhere to be found , her period cramps also use to get worse in the winter no matter how much she tried to distract herself with the chores at the end of the day instead of the warm and tasty food she served and cooked for everyone she use to eat cold and dry leftovers forcing herself to chew the stale food just to survive . This Christmas however she was feeling a little lost somewhere in the mind a tiny voice was telling her something bad  was about to happen which made her anxious she was already living in a cage her freedom and dignity were hanging by a tiny hope clinging to it with her all strength after witnessing the sudden change in her environment she knew someone or something related to her has been exposed and it meant only thing trouble.

Advira P.O.V

Today is Christmas all I see around me is lights , flowers , food , dancing and singing people but I am not happy instead I am afraid because of the changing nature of the Hudson . These guys are scorpions it's in nature to bite and I am waiting and watching their move maybe sir know something there has be something otherwise why is suddenly having a change of heart giving me this warm room and food to live in he is plotting something big ( advira though all this while decorating the mansion this time with the help of the other servants who even wished her a " merry Christmas '' ) , a sick feeling is forming in my gut , I don't want to live like this anymore , why I am suffering and for whom for those Malhotra who did nothing but made fame after adopting her little does the public know what goes behind the shutter of the camera they will be shocked . This festival all those wishes with fake tight smiles seem shallow to me , they never showed any ounce of kindness to me , they behaved with me in a inhumane way laughing on my face and mocking me when I begged for warm clothes to be given to me , they didn't care if I got enough food to eat or water to drink , all they cared about was that the chores given to me should be executed on the exact time with perfection humiliating me and calling me name everytime they can . It's me who decorates their *ucking master's mansion and cooks for his so called esteemed guest will they cut off the slack from each other duties they piled it on me and now they want to be all happy and wish them a merry Christmas, I think the fuck not ! For god's sake I am not even allowed to be anywhere near where the festivities are happening because apparently I am bad omen . It makes me tear up every single time I hear this again and again it was shoved down my ears but now it doesn't affect me anymore or maybe I am numb to it . She soon finished decorating the mansion with the help of the servants and went to John 's cabin to clean it up . While cleaning the drawers with a damp and dry rags her eyes went on the folder having her sign on some documents . The folder was transparent and since the cabin had no cctv the chances of her getting caught are somewhat low , with thumping heart she looked around and moved clasping the latch on the door and paced in the direction of the folder taking out the white sheet inked with the title of contract marriage, she took a deep breathe and began going through the pages making her land on the terms and conditions of the contract which stated that she needs to stay atleast one year into the marriage but the term which caught her attention the most was how she can get out of the marriage legally . She needs to pay the double amount of money spend on her by my client ( John Hudson ) including her housing , education, medication bills . ($ 100,0000 has already been spend as of 2 years into the marriage) with shaking hands she placed the folder in its original place she have exactly have one year to pay the amount to her freedom but at what cost , I am still studying, even if I work day and night it would be impossible to accumulate this huge amount of money in one year , there is no way I can get out of his grip. Maybe there is , don't lose hope, remember the poster we saw today while grocery shopping , advira closed her eyes and started recounting the days memories and suddenly it flashed , she was crossing a busy alley not having good reputation as petty theft use to occur quite often in that neighborhood but most people of that neighborhood were somewhat familiar with her as she always shared and spared the kids and the elderly whatever she has , giving the kids tuition for free , knitting sweaters for the elderly for just 10 dollars and helping them in whatever she could in return they the mother's of the kids gave her free martial arts and defence classes  The poster read that whosoever will be able to be defeated "  lycan " will get 50 K . She stood up and unlatched the door and behaved as if nothing has happened , she finally knew how to get out of here for good and for that she needed money fast and loads of it . After getting out of the cabin , I was told to rest as my services were no longer required, agreeing with it , I moved towards the new room and layed down on the floor and looked at the golden ring on my finger and smiled lookin at it

 After getting out of the cabin , I was told to rest as my services were no longer required, agreeing with it , I moved towards the new room and layed down on the floor and looked at the golden ring on my finger and smiled lookin at it

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( Advira's wedding ring imagine her laying down and looking at her face in the reflection of the ring )

and whispered to myself before sleeping:-

Soon I will be taking you off  for once and all .

Time skips to Christmas dinner

The Hudson were not throwing a party this year instead Christmas is being celebrated on a personal level only Hudson family and Gerald and his wife and all Leo's friends they all ate in silence as they watched advira eating with them for the first time with a little smile on their face while advira's eyes remained glued to the food and she ate it carefully and fast making sure she is not taking much time after a while the Hudson's and all the other started chatting with each other ignoring Advira as it seem to her but in fact they were doing so to make sure she wasn't having any second thoughts about them and this whole dinner thing as they were done the servants came and picked up everyone plate including Advira too and Leo's friends were the once to start talking to Advira asking about if she is excited to go back to school as due to the heavy snowfall the local authorities has closed all the schools but she answered each and every question in a precise manner speaking no more than two words as they were listening to her suddenly the door bell rang loudly and caught everyone attention both John and Gerald shared a look of attention as if they knew who it might be before advira could answer the door she was stopped and told to get back to her room as it was getting late and she complied and started going towards her room while the person has now started banging on the door with hard thumps and calling out a name in a male thick American accent :- Advira ! Laced with panic and concern yet with a strange touch of softness in it which caught Advira's attention she whipped her head back and look at the door and then her eyes got locked with John who was seething in annoyance and anger evident in his body language in a loud and clear voice without letting Advira break the eye contact he told his brother and his friends :- Leo , go and take  my wife and your sister in law to her room and make sure you and your friends stay right outside the door and don't let her come downstairs no matter what .  He voice sounded authoritative and he emphasized on ' my wife ' which made advira feel light headed what on earth was going on ! Why did that man voice whom she have never heard before sounded awfully familiar as if she knew him ? Before advira could react she found herself being surrounded by the boys and they blocked her view completely just when Ethan with friend came barging in the living room , Leo moved quicked on his feet while matthew blocked advira's view completely while cornor ushered her towards her room having no choice she complied and moved with the trio while Gerald and john went on to confront the intruder whose piercing black  eyes met with John brown ones each staring each other with a intensity unknown to their friends who stood watching their friends back while Gerald wife and john 's mom rushed to call the police because they knew things were about to get messy and...

A/N :- The chapter ends here ( evil laugh ) . Hi , first of all so sorry for not updating on the said date I had some really urgent personal matter to take care of but don't worry I am still sticking to the double update part . Get your popcorn ready , the drama is about to unfold ! Do you think Advira will be able to get out of this contact marriage, what will Ethan do now that he is finally here ? There will be confrontation, heartbreaks and emotional meltdown and when I tell you this you better brace yourself because Advira and Ethan life are going to witness a major chance . Do share your take on any of the characters especially John Hudson . Wishing you all a very happy new year 🎊 2022 might have been tough on you but look at you thriving and surviving and trying to be the best version of yourself and trust me you will achieve all you want because you deserve it you have been working hard for it , you are there just keep going and don't overwhelm and overload yourself . So , till the next time we meet stay safe stay happy .

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