Chapter -14

133 11 7

You tied my wings now watch fly high - Advira

Narrator point of view

The morning sunlights fell on advira's face as she woke up this was the best sleep she had ever taken in this house and perhaps the most peaceful she looked at the dainty ring on her finger and smile to herself imagining the moment she will be able to take it off for once and for all . Today is a new day in hudson's mansion as instead of the tense environment around the atmosphere everyone was at ease during breakfast Leo watched advira with slight amusement as she finished her breakfast and gulped her medicine and began leaving but there was a change in her walk , instead of the scared and timid steps her strikes were long and sturdy she carried herself with a different aura that gleamed with flames of pride and confidence as she walked on the marble floor maintaining eye contact carrying her sewed backpack and a better pair of shoes it looked different it didn't seem that advira was going to school it seemed as if she was a knight going for a battle the only difference here she didn't serve any feudal lord she is the master of herself. The guards watched in confusion as she went past them and saying wishes , advira was definitely in a good mood it didn't look like that she had just resigned from her job maybe it was the small amount of 200$ that made her happy David thought to himself. He took out his phone and sent her a message :- All the best for the school let me know when to pick you up . If advira's newfound sudden boost of confidence didn't taken aback him the instant reply did :- Thankyou so much for wishing me Mr Hudson, I will be coming at 2 in the morning as I have to go for some personal work. Have a nice day ! His brows scrunched in confusion after reading the message again he thought of asking her but refrain himself from doing so he had decided to give advira space and respect her boundaries but still he couldn't resist the worrying words of his inner self echoing in his brain and typed a message :- Be safe ! , Advira's phone vibrated with a new notification as she reached the school and stared at the main gate taking a deep breathe she smiled reassuring herself and cracked her knuckles if somebody is going to give her trouble this time she won't back down . She sighed at the caring message and titled her head in slight confusion she now knew that John knew her secret then what's up with this all this pretence of a caring husband still not wanting him to suspect anything she replied back hurriedly:-  I will ! And tuned off the mobile data and tossed the phone in her bag  .

Time skips to first class

Advira was now sure that her little secret is out now or maybe she was hallucinating because of the antidepressants or because the way the teachers especially that crude Mr brown treated her has completely changed , the students were trying to help her out giving her notes and stuff but she politely declined she has to keep her guard up among these two-faced or maybe because now the whole school knew that she is married to the John Hudson the billionaire the man who has it all riches , looks , personality , charisma you name it . She scoffed mentally at some of the girls who were trying to be extra nice to her , acting as if they are bestfriend who just met after a long time . Hopefully the day went well and soon advira packed her bags and left the school but before she could do so leo and his friends caught up with her and began conversion not wanting to sound suspicious of her plans she decided to go along .

The conversation
L:- Leo , A:- Advira , C:- Cornor , M:- Matthew

L:- ( politely) Are you going back to home we can do together if you want to sister in law .
A:- ( taken aback by the title ) Actually I will be coming late today you carry on no need to call me sister in law advira is more than enough.
M:- Hey , not wanting to sound rude but you just out of the hospital few weeks ago have some rest . I am Matthew it's nice to meet you .
A:- ( in a cold voice ) Thanks for your concern but my work is important and don't worry about me , I won't tarnish the Hudson reputation, I have taken my meds now if you kind gentleman will excuse me I have some personal errands to run . ( Saying so she tried to leave but her way was cut off my cornor who stood like a road blockage in her path )
C:- Take it easy advira we have no intention of hurting or intimidating you infact we are like your big brothers what do you call that in Hindi bada bhai ( he said in his thick British accent)
A:- ( she looked him straight in his eyes and muttered a sentence which shocked the trio ) You guys are nothing to me don't ever call yourself as my Bhai , brothers never treat their sisters the way Leo did when he threw me to get molested  now out of the way boy .

Journey जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें