Chapter -17

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You feel like a missing piece longing to feel and touch - Advira

Narrator point of view

A petite young girl can be seen working in a small cafe bustling with tourists in the queue famous for It's cakes and coffee . The rich aroma of coffee fills the air as various waitress chatters with customers behind the counter advira is working delicately with the piping decorating the cake for a beloved of a customer while a smile reaching her eyes , with every each and passing fights advira's demeanor has changed her body language, her way of carrying herself her eyes are no longer casted downward but shine with pride and self love . The bell ringing caught her attention as the owner smiled at her a old kind lady who employed her . Advira love can you kindly take orders now said the old lady smiling at her advira nodded and returned her affection she always looked forward to her shift at the cafe and even worked overtime to be surrounded by her it gave her a sense of belonging , a sense of security and moreover she reminded her of home , her mother . She took off her cooking apron folding it and hanging it and took the small pad while walking creasing the lines on her work uniform , a simple yet classy one comprising of a white shirt and a black pant . Advira moved towards the new customer dodging her other colleagues in the way and reached the table it's occupant was a young man of mid 20s talking on a phone call with some other person oblivious to his surroundings not wanting to unintentionally eavesdrop on their conversation she coughed to caught his attention . The man looked at her in surprise and a smile broke out on his face easing the tension lines on his forehead a minute ago feeling awkward advira began talking to him and asking for his order picking from the menu he began telling his order with a thick American accent which caught her interest unknowingly a small memory of a guy played in her mind but his face was not clear like always , shaking her head she concentrated on the man sitting in front of her and noted his order and left after telling him the expected time while advira moved towards the kitchen to place the order her heart beated in a slow but peaceful rhythmic manner she felt a strange calm and energy radiating throughout her body she looked again at the guy from earlier and still found him talking but this time with much vigour, even laughing . Shaking away this feeling she placed the order and indulged herself in the work ignoring the same feeling and a strange voice in her head saying that she is about to meet the faceless guy from her dreams instead of feeling terrorised by it she felt peaceful warm tingles of affection tugged at her heart and the pumping of the blood increased which she can hear ringing in her ears she didn't like this customer who knows what kind of trouble is awaiting her now .

Ethan P.O.V

Finally after long excruciating time of 3 months that damn restriction was lifted from my name but still I couldn't take a flight to London that fucker knew that I will be coming to get advira , it makes my blood boil thinking about that day when I finally met her , she looked weak , scared and broken the look on her eyes gave it away clearly but she reacted differently after investigating a bit I came to know that advira fell in a self induced coma months ago and lost some parts of her memories and I am sure that she doesn't remember me and it scares me because now John can manipulate her further but no more for many weeks I am trying to get a hold of advira's whereabouts but it seems like she living a dead life , there is no information about her , no footprints nothing as if sees a puff of air moving within a blink of an eye . Feeling frustrated after yet another dead end call with one of my detectives I called my best friend who is currently in Luxembourg to meet another detective of ours who manage to click some photos of advira and john by the noise in the background it must be some cafe in which he is sitting now we were deep in conversation when a polite yet strong feminine voice reached my ears a familiar one my breath hitched in my throat and I clutch my desk as if I might faint it was her it was my advira . It's been years since we meet how much I have longed to hear her voice , to look into those mysterious raven orbs of her filled with resilient and pride and our little late night outings on her streets of London . It appears she is working there and I thanks the heaven for it , I cannot express how happy I am to hear her again , to feel her voice in my ears after she left my friend decided to video call me and I took a brief glance of her , her battered skin full of gashed and scars appeared covered underneath her white crisped iron shirt , her eyes once full of life while we use to talk appears to regain it's strength she appeared happy and healthy which made release a breath which I didn't even knew sucking in . She hasn't changed one bit still talking all the challenges head on but it's time advira that we meet again and defeat John together I left you with that monster once and I am not repeating that same mistake again . After the video call ended I started working on my plan to meet her , for sure I cannot enter London but that doesn't mean that my friend can't knowing advira she wouldn't believe and let him come near to him and I can't blame her she is been through a lot by the opposite gender and to believe that still has some trust left in men will be a wild statement but I really hope she does , I don't want her to associate with the same monster who made her life a nightmare maybe those handwritten letters can come in handy thinking this he moved towards the drawer opening it carefully picking out the letter now a bit yellow in colour and trace it's date Ethan has been reading her letters and begging for her forgiveness as a friend he wasn't there when she needed him and the worst he didn't even knew that she was in so much pain , pushing back his tears he took a page and began writing after few minutes he placed the pen down and placed his only photo with her as a proof and prayed that she believes him , calling his friend he informed him and he decided to took the next flight and take the letter to advira himself . Take a long look at one of John photo with advira when he took out of eat out for dinner he whispered:- Time is running out John , the bird will now be free and you will be caged .

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