Chapter -12

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You made me this way now watch me burn your world.

Narrator point of view

Time skips to three weeks

For the past three weeks advira has been playing the role of the perfect daughter in the Malhotra's mansion taking care of the guests and preparing dinner but not performing any rituals all this was done by ziya , though Mr Malhotra had survived the accident and had fully recovered by now but no matter his efforts to reconcile with advira all he got was disappointment she wanted to nothing to do with him and afterall why should she ? In the name of being a guardian to her he did everything except guarding her and taking care of her , they treated her like a commodity a buisness asset to be put forward for that damn alliance and to put it in simple words he sold her , he never bothered to look after her , never fulfilled the role of guardian he was suppose too he knew that she came to with him a hope for , that she needed to fill the void in her heart after parent's death but instead of helping her he crushed and cursed her and tied her to a beast who crushed her further , in all these years he never bothered to make a single phone call to ask how she was doing ? All his family cared about was about their damn reputation in front of the society now knowing that there is nobody but her only who can help her advira decided to take the matter in her own hands , if she had to risk it all to get out of this situation that she was ready . John had been living with her during this time unlike him she made sure that he is being taken care of John noticed how dutifully she acted towards ziya the little girl who treats her like her own elder sister but whenever he tried to make a conversation with ziya she use to ran away from him , John and Advira has been sharing a room for three weeks now but advira always use to come late at night and sleep on the couch he noticed the subtle change in her behaviour and overtime they stood out she no longer cared about it , it seemed as if a fire was burning within her ready to engulf anything and everything that comes in her way , her eyes gleam with hunger of vengeance as Mr Malhotra and her head a conversation .

The conversation

A:- Advira , M :- Malhotra

A - ( looking square at him which made him feel surprised) You wanted to talk ?
M - ( clearing his throat) I did Daughter actually here read this ( passing her Mrs Malhotra will )
A- ( after reading through the file a small frown appeared on her face ) Let me make some things clear sir while we are talking first :- you and I share no relation whatsoever . Don't call me your daughter , and about this will well you can cut my name I want nothing to this with family or to be precise with this family and it's wealth and power privilege . I am tired of this shit of being treated like this , you think that by giving me half the property you can earn my forgiveness did you know how much I suffered at the hands of the Hudson's no because you were too busy taking care of your family your real family , I don't understand why the hell did you adopt me in the first place ? ( Laughing loudly ) I think I know you needed a scapegoat right ? And I was the perfect choice a lone broken orphaned girl who didn't have anyone . Did you know how many times I was beaten to death ? How many times I was bullied ? God , I lost the count . How many times I wished I had someone anyone to seek shelter in those bone freezing night of that damned London City , ofcourse how would you , you were too busy to fill your bellies and sleep in a warm room trying ways to make yourself appear more and more better among the media you didn't care back then what happened now ?
M :- ( his eyes Welled up with tears ) I know that I wronged you in countless ways and that what me and my wife did was wrong but please give us a chance accept this money it will help you a great deal .
A :- ( sighing she stood up and dropped the file on the mirror table rudely after picking out the will paper containing her name looking directly in the eyes of Malhotra she tore the paper and began tearing it into numerous small pieces and let it fall on the ground ) I don't need your money and it's time for your medicine I don't ziya to see all this .
( Saying this she began leaving the room but Malhotra asked her a question that left him speechless)
M:- If you can't forgive me then please you don't tell ziya anything I beg you !
A :- ( mocking him ) Rest assured Mr Malhotra that little girl adores me more than she look upto you she wouldn't be able to handle it that whom she thought was the best man is the worst .

End of the conversation

Advira ( P.O.V )

A let a heavy sigh as I closed the room's door he really thought that its that easy to earn my forgiveness I can't afford to forgive him and John about money I knew exactly the way how to earn it ( saying so she moved towards the cupboard and took out the pamphlet of some underground ring battle ) I know that's that isn't the best way to earn the amount right now , but if I am willing to play dirty then a few punches shouldn't hurt much . My eyes wandered as the huge amount of cash it was $20K I need to win this fight in order to be eligible for the knockout round for the amount of $50 K time is running fast and this is the easiest way I can make the money she looked at the ring adoring her finger soon I will be throwing you out of my life just like I did today with Malhotra . We will be leaving today itself it's been three weeks that I and john shared a room and lived together after growing through my diary I found some pages torn and I don't remember tearing it down myself and that explains his new found behaviour well two can play this game Hudson , you thought you can kill me well I have to say you succeeded many times she said while glancing at the suicide attempts scars on her wrists but this time I am no longer the same advira that advira who was scared , hopeless, vulnerable who needed you this time you are fighting with Advira the girl who know her true worth and that isn't living with you anymore , breathing heavily I packed my bags and made short note the fight is going to take place in Luxembourg within two weeks that should be enough for brushing up my skills , get ready Vira It's time to crack some British skulls her inner voice roared and she agreed happily . This is the begining of the revenge.

A/N:- First of all thankyou so much for 600 views on my work ! 😁 It means a lot to me , I am still honestly not sure about where this book will lead me , the characters are written with precaution as I want you to connect with advira I want you to vision her story and with these 600 huge number of views I am assure of my path now , so buckle up cause now the revenge will be served and no we don't serve it cold we serve it hot and boiling which makes the vision watery . So whose ready and excited for Advira new beginning!! The next update will be super soon so till the next time we meet stay safe stay happy and do share your views on the chapter .


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