Ch-18 ( third part )

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In the end you always to go the people who were there in the beginning

Narrator point of view

It is a rainy day in Luxembourg the sky are full of grey clouds the wind are soaring high ready to rain any second advira with a steaming cup of coffee and pastries in her plate looked outside the window her inner turmoil is similar to the weather today fortunately while coming to work she was able to avoid John and didn't have the appetite to have breakfast yet John somehow knew this would happen and sent her breakfast through Leo in her room with a small handwritten note saying she should take her time but don't try to avoid him , she sighed as she lifted the cup to her lips drinking sip by sip the steam fogging the window she shook her head as if trying to get the confession part out of her memories the thing was it affected her I much as she denied it rejuvenate the voice back in her head which use to say one day things will get better maybe he will love us back with the same depth I yearn for his gentleness and care he would look at us with love with care instead of malice and revenge the hands that whipped us will one day wipe away out tears she felt a sudden rush of emotions and her grip on her cup loosened as her felt heavy just like the clouds ready to rain in any second just before the cup could shatter in million pieces just like her hopes for her marriage it was held in a firm manly grip advira found herself gasping and letting out a small audible thanks as her eyes caught the familiar visual of Ryan ( Ethan's  best friend ) as he gave her a gentle smile and hse returned it with a small one of hers behind him was another guy advira's felt his gaze on her and looked at him after picking up the plate and the cup and setting them back in the kitchen after washing she looked at the guest and Ryan unexpectedly she knew that were going to come today but they were there to meet the owner but she was not available as one of advira's coworkers felt I'll and had to me immediately hospitalized advira volunteer to go but she was refused and made to eat first as the owner saw her carrying no lunch and was angry that was skipping meals after a long lecture and a promise to eat regularly advira found herself eating pastries and coffe and asked to take care of the guests she looked at them nervously she was about to leave and they had just appeared it would look really rude if she don't talk to them taking a deep breathe she looked at both of the boys around Leo and his friends age in front of her and asked them to politely sit for one thing she was happy that she was wearing the cafe uniform which covered her scars completely she didn't want to be interrogated by a duo of Americans after a formal round of introduction advira served the duo black coffee and americano along with cheesecake and donuts though they both politely refused but advira could see by their faces that they were hungry not ot mention they were carrying their luggage it was obvious they decided to visit here first the moment they come after setting up their table advira was about to go and call grandma but the phone in the cafe rang loudly catching advira's attention ensuring that both of them had started eating she moved to pick up the call on the other line was the owner telling her she can't make it back to the cafe and pleaded her to take care of the guests advira visibly appeared uncomfortable she didn't want to spend any time longer here especially with two males knowing that whenever she is alone with a guy it always has had ended bad for her but wasn't able to deny the owner's request nodding her head and assuring her they will be taken care of she moved in their direction and the trio began chatting .

Advira P.O.V

I wish I could refuse but how can I that woman is so nice to all us feeding us giving us salary and overtime working pay the least I could in return to her kindness towards me is to help her take care of her guests . Take a deep breathe advira they can't hurt you a strong voice struck in her head as she talked with them by their accent and the way of dressing both of them were American but somehow the guy whose name of was Ethan appeared awfully familiar as his warm gaze and gentle tone while talking made me feel relaxed and somehow comforting ? It seems as if I have seen him but where ? His voice matches with someone I knew after going through my dairy I found some torn pages and even a small envelope was there in my bag yellow and crinkly it read your pen pal but inside the envelope there was nothing but today after meeting him I not feeling anxious as bizarre it may sound but I look forward to our next meeting both them of wanted to tour around London and have requested me to guide them instead of opening my mouth and telling them no I found myself telling both of them "  yes " yep I have officially lost my shit ! First those weird feeling for John wasn't enough that now this American pretty boy has come to Bewitch  me ! Did I just call him pretty !? I found myself shamelessly looking at him during the conversation at some point I doze out what were we even talking about all I wanted to do was stare at the raven head boy with those mysterious forest eyes it which I want to lose myself he is pretty decent looking with a sharp jawline and curly hairs which he had apparently styled and gled he have a little stubble of hairs on his chin and it suits him he has a gentle demeanor I averted my gaze as we again locked eyes with each other and my heart began beating like crazy blood rushed to my cheeks and I could feel myself blushing not wanting to make a fool of myself I went towards the staff washroom after telling them I will be back in a second and washed my face thoroughly splashing cold water on my hot cheeks to knock some sense back in my head there is no one I was ogling at him , I should stay away from them both of them especially that pretty forest eye boy damn him for his good looks !

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