Chapter -15

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Within the depths of the ocean I found myself howling like a wind cutting through the waves to sail .

Advira ( P.O.V)

The subway slowed down and stopped It felt as if my whole like reoccurred in front of me in a flash I looked around and stepped down at the station of Luxembourg . Well , one year from now I was dreaming of living in London and now I can't stop but laugh if only I knew that my biggest wish will turn into this stupid horrid nightmare but not for long today is a new day advira , today we fight for ourselves we fight for the pain this city has caused us , we fight against all the injustices and discrimination we faced today we spit out anger out for once and for all . Her inner self roared and she smiled , you know that feeling when you think you have hit your lowest point and is about to give up and just then a sudden boost of motivation comes in your life that's what this fight is for me , my whole existence depends on it both metaphorically and literally . She hurried along with the crowd moving in different directions and soon she blend in , everyone was busy with their life , some happy to as they were returning to their homes after a long day , some hurried to their night shifts while some walked leisurely with earphones and headphones on their ears listening to music and humming the lyrics while kids ran while their parents told them not to , some decided to eat munching on their food oblivious of their surroundings while others moved hurriedly in the crowd talking on their cell phones loud enough to let everyone know . Advira couldn't help but smile this is what life is meant to offer to her , some days of utter exhaustment, some days of pure bliss of having holidays and offs and some days of loads of work to handle well at least she was quite familiar with the last one , advira switched off her phone as she existed the station and took a taxi to the downtown area . The driver chatted with her on the whole way telling her to not to go around as this place was famous for races and fights he seemed a kind man who had a fatherly aura around him full of life and wisdom to offer with some grey hair in his black hair reminder of his experiences he jad encountered so far , after few minutes they arrived at their destination a local restaurant advira didn't want to tell him the exact location after paying him and waving him bye she looked at one last time at the road contemplating her decision for the last time , she took a brief pause and then continued walking along the narrow streets after few confusing turns she reached the destination it was a sight to behold , huge banners decorated the area there were even policeman going on ground , audience going only after confirmation and the security was tight advira joined the line before her were mostly men and young guys who gave her a odd like but she didn't mind soon one of the guards asked her about her purpose and she replied:- participate. A look of amusement passed through his eyes and he went away and this time a few rough looking guys came forward with heavy steps and bulky physique , they took her away from her audience line and told her to follow them soon she found herself standing in front of the organiser himself who gave her a perplexed look enough with the looks advira began talking .

The conversation
A:- Advira , Peat :- Organiser

A:- Mr peat , I am here to participate in the fight .
P:- ( taken aback a bit but he replied rudely) This is not a kitty party , go home girl , you won't survive a minute in that ring .
A:- And may I know the reason why ? I am aware of the rules there was no mention of gender anywhere and my age is not the problem here .
P :- ( arching his eyebrows) Your documents child !
A:- ( smiling ) Here you go ( unzipping her bag and taking out the folders )
P :- ( after reading through the document it was mentioned she was married already ) You are not married are you ?
A:- ( straight forwardly ) I am .
( The bodyguard too didn't know how to react though it was not illegal but it seemed a bit off seeing someone young like her at this place alone )
P :- Hmm.. does your husband know or your family ?
A:- They died in a car accident and no this matter doesn't concern him now if you may allow to me to go and fill the form .
P:- ( trying to scare her away he looked dead into her eyes ) You know that you won't be fighting dainty girls in that ring, there will be men twice of your size what if you break a bone or worse die ?
A:- ( chuckling she looked into his eyes) It won't happen and even if I die then just discard away my body you look like a influential man it will be not hard for you to do so .
P :- handling her the document he signalled his guard to get a form and the procedure took place there itself ) Today's fight will be worth watching . Fight starts in 15 min don't chicken out .
( He dialled his best friend phone number who too was watching the conversation from a distance and told him :- get all information that you can about that child , her husband surname Hudson ring a bell it can't be the same person we are thinking about )

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