Ch-18 ( Second part )

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Continuing from the last chapter

Narrator point of view

The classic music played in the background as John and Advira ate in silence with John stealing glances at her every now and then and her been concentrated on finishing the food as soon as possible to get over this dinner she wasn't feeling comfortable and the love sick gaze from John was making her feel more uncomfortable if possible John called her name after they have finished eating and began conversing with her advira looked at him and still didn't maintain eye contact for long there was something wrong with those brown eyes instead of wanting to tear her apart and bask in her blood they appeared soft and calculating even nervous advira word's choked in her throat her eyes went wide as she coughed making John stand up and reach to her giving her water to soothe her throat and patter her back ever so gently but seeing her stiffness he curled his fingers in a fist and took his seat waiting for her answer . Advira's heart beated with adrenaline she found herself in yet another flight or fight mode , she wanted to run , to say No but it seemed as if the words were caught in her throat and she did nothing but stare at John who looked at her contemplating what to do next he expected a reaction a positive heck even a negative one but the stiffness and the defeated look in advira's eyes baffled and frustrated him and unknowingly to him he narrowed his eyes on her which made her break the eye contact abd a shiver went to her spine reminding her that of the freedom of wings she was flying so high is isn't real yet , she is at his mercy whether she likes it or not and a slight tremor went to her fingers shaking them reminding her what can happen if she decided to go on his bad side .

Few moments ago

The only noise which could be heard was that of the cutlery and the harsh breathing of advira as she found herself sitting in front of her husband who just declared his feelings for him and is that's wasn't enough he requested her to give a answer now .

The dinner conversation
J :- John , A:- Advira

J:- ( smiling at her ) You look beautiful advira .
A:- ( confused as she wasn't used to getting any kind of compliments from him ) Thankyou you look good you .
J:- ( suprised) I am glad that you like my attire maybe you can tell me your favourite colour and we can wearing matching clothes sometime?
A:- ( baffled ) I... you said you wanted to tell me something earlier ?
J:- Oh yes yeah ( taking a deep breath he stopped eating and looked at advira and he decided to look up at the same moment too which made her eyes locked towards each other ) It might seems a little overwhelming but I don't think I can suppress my feelings any longer now . I love you advira .
( she didn't knew how to respond and remain silent but after noticing his narrow eyes on her broke the eye contact and a slight tremor passed through her whole body here she was planning day and night to leave him and this man just confessed to her was he put of his mind what was his expectations)
J:- ( noticing the change in her body language he sighed ) You don't have to answer or reciprocate my feelings towards you I know of your secret you are not Malhotra's daughter .
A:- ( suddenly it all clicked in her mind why he was treating her good the school kids the servants even Leo and his friend) How lon-g you knew and when ? ( She couldn't help but stutter )
J:- It's been few months and I am extremely sorry for the way I treated you I don't deserve your forgiveness you left everything familiar you knew and had high hopes for me and our marriage but I crushed them all , I am no good man but I can't let you go the thought of you away from him makes me feel worried I don't know if it's love that I feel for you but it's very strong and I can't deny myself anymore , the way you smile , the way you talk the way you furrow your eyebrows in confusion , the way you went out of your way to help others makes me heart flutter .
A:- (on the verge of tears ) You think that yours I am sorry can fix everything ( letting out a dry laugh) Nope it's not happening I won't let it happen not again enough of these false hopes of a better tomorrow you know my secret know and if you say that you love me then why don't you let me go ? You wouldn't force your love on me would you ? ( The high emotions flowing through the system made her speak all the thoughts which occured in her mind before she could shut them )
J:- ( sighing he took the glass and sip the wine slowly) Like I said advira I am not a good man and I am not letting you go .
A:- ( she laughed loudly which made him look at her with a raised brow ) It's about the damn money isn't it let me clarify it to you there is no WE ( she said pointing her fingers to him and then to herself) our marriage is a contract marriage and legally I can get out of it .
J:- ( cocking his eyebrows at her ) You are making it difficult for both of us darling , there is only 4 months left in the contract for you to "legally" pay back $100,000 dollars and if you didn't make it by the time the amount will be doubled and according to the contact since you bring it up you can't get out of it legally then you only have 4 months and there is now way sweetheart that you can make that much money in 4 months maybe half of it but still not enough.
A:- You cheated ! There was no such mention that I can't get out if I wasn't able to pay the amount before two years !
J:- ( sighing softly looking at her ) I know what I did was wrong and maybe the way I am using now is also wrong but you need to understand this there is no escape from this now today not tomorrow not ever . How about this we start as friends ? ( He said while giving her his hand to shake )
A:- ( thinking hard knowing she can't reveal that she had made around 40K since it will be very suspicious for him ) I need time ( speaking slowly she looked up at him and clenched her hands to bubble down her anger ) This is overwhelming for me .
J:- ( nodding approvingly looking at her ) I understand so friends ?
A:- ( gulping water she nodded ) No touching !
J:- hmm it's kind of hard to resist but I get it I will earn you trust then your love .

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