Chapter -32 ( Part 2 )

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Till death do us apart - John

Narrator point of view

The sky was full of grey clouds with little to no moonlight as Connor 's men dumped hunter and the twins bodies down a pavement the skies roared as it started raining heavily the sound of rain drop crashing violently against the road could be heard as the men grunted while desposing the body with zero ounce of fear as the neighbouring was already famous for homicide with high crime rates murder often involving petty fights were common they didn't bother to check whether they were still alive or not for them they were dead confirmed by no signs of pulse and movement , the car engine revved as the men left leaving hunter and the twins their mud and blood caked face and body getting cleaned by the rain as they lay cold , pale and tired their eyes closed with exhaustion while their wound ran fresh creating a little red stream in the middle of the road . On the other hand advira had long passed out still changed as John watched her with bloodshot eyes refusing to sleep until he had taken away from her all those who were going to take her away from him . He watched as he gently glided his finger along her cheeks sighing to himself with content occasionally holding her hand he was waiting for he to wake up according to his doctor it was a panic attack John eyebrows furrowed as he thought about how he is going to win her love convincing her to give him a chance was out of the questions but it that's the cost of her staying with him then he will do it again and again until the only person she can confide in is him .

John P.O.V

I watched with a smile on my face as I looked at advira my wife she can't get away from me , she is mine can't she understand this , I never wanted to kill her friends but they were taking her away from me her husband who does that she is better off without them and I will make sure of it . It hurts me as much it hurts her to see her in pain , her scars haunts me as much they haunts her and only together we can change our future . I will become the best husband for her she might not forgive me this for ever but deep down I now that I don't regret it it was necessary she needs to understand this that she can't go away she is mine and mine alone my wife my finger trailed along her cheeks which were red due to her crying trust me darling I will make all this pain go away . I watched her sleep some more adjusting the chains as her wrists was bandaged the chains were only on her legs in her state of shock and anger advira had damaged her wrists tearing her ligament a bit and I am not a monster to bound her arms in this state , advira can take all the time she needs but in the end she has to come to me and I will make sure of that.  I tore my gaze from her sleeping figure and went to the living room which was now clean as Connor Gerald and I sat down on the sofa to began discussing what should we do with Ethan.  Gerald said that if things were to get legal which I am sure it will then we have to stay low Connor responded that we can advira mental health conditions reports beside she is still on anti depressants proving her mental instability in the court won't be hard . I predatory smile formed on his lips as he clutched the files in his hands .

Ethan P.O.V

My heart raced as I reached the place where advira's friends told me they would meet me but I found no one after searching for hours tears of frustration and fear gripped my guts as images of advira's helpless eyes flashed in my mind , I can't give up not when we are so close . I am coming vira to get you out of this just then his phone rang as some of his spies informed me hunter and the twins whereabouts.  The car tires screeched in the awfully silent roads with dim light as Ethan footsteps echoed on the road his men undoubtedly were horrified by the sight of the three men lying dead as cold . Ethan felt a wave of emotions in his mind and his world went black for a while as he stood with his men blocking the rain drops as he tried to find a pulse his own heart beaten violently against his chest while his men called the ambulance after a few minutes which felt like hours the ambulance arrived blaring the siren as Ethan watched hunter and the twins were layed on the stretcher oxygen masks draped to their nose as they lay stiff no movement whatsoever the staff informed him as the blood loss was too much . He clenched his jaw while recalling his calls with hunter he said he will keep advira safe but the other moment dread like no other filled his body as he took notice of the neighbourhood as it the Hellman's  street where Connor 's gang members  lived it clicked in his mind whose responsible for hunter and the twins he along with his men left the scene as quietly as they could without getting any one attention on them he tried advira number many times but she didn't pick up , Ryan was with me comforting him but he himself was shaken up as realisation dawned upon both the men the severity of the situation made then realise they have to make a move quickly the shadow play was over . John was attacking them and it was not the time to not retaliate back .

A/N:- The next update is here . The awaited pov is here do tell me how was it ? Also only 2 chapters are left and let me tell you it involves blood and guns so till the next time we meet stay safe stay happy  . P.S- I have been reading werewolf stories for a quite a time now so I might drop something soon. 

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