Chapter -10

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Start of the end - Advira

(Contuining from the last chapter )

Narrator point of view

Inside the Hudson's Mansion it was all chaos there was a deadly silent in the environment as Ethan glared with a fiery in his eyes while John looked at his disinteredstly after few minutes Ethan moved in the hall squaring john and without saying a single word to him throwed his hand in a punch with landed straight on John's jaw making a good impact , Ethan was fuming now this godforsaken good for nothing guy not only destroyed the very life of his friend and beated her day and night , she admired him he can see the respect for him in her eyes whenever they use to talk and sometimes she use to take the blame on her beating saying that he might be having a tough day and that she irked him or annoyed him but months after months the abuse just got levelled up , sometimes in her letters advira handwriting seem messed up as if she was writing trough swollen fingers in case of winters and the last time they met he remember how bare her eyes felt as if her very existence was sucked out of her soul , they say eyes are the window to one's soul , but her eyes were bereft of any emotions , they lacked the usual youthful shine they had earlier , the hopefullness the will of survive it seemed she had just given up . He raised his hands and clutched John shirt's collars staring down at him while his friend tried to grab him off his back and Gerald came and stood by John's side in a protective stance . John was the one to start the conversation .

The conversation
J:- John , E:- Ethan

J:- ( tending his jaw slightly ) Well now that was such a rude gesture , don't tell me you go around throwing punches after breaking down in somebody's house .
E:- ( breathing heavily) oh , spare me the crap , let Advira go now ! I will pay her debt .
J:- ( He suddenly got pissed ) You don't need to care about my wife , her husband is well and alive to look after her .
E:- Did you hear that all of you ? A good husband ! ( With gritted teeth ) We all know the truth Hudson , stop lying you are a wife beater wait you don't deserve one , you are a abuser , an assaulter , a greedy selfish person you don't deserve a kind soul like hers . You call yourself her husband what kind of husband let beat his wife mercilessly till she is near dead , make her eat stale leftover food , make her lift f*cking 44 pounds dumbbells during her periods , make her feel like she can be discarded and tampered by you anytime and anywhere , what kind of a "good husband" does that shit ?
J:- I... ( He was at Loss of words to prove himself for sure he acknowledged the things he did to Advira was wrong but he wanted her to earn her forgiveness now seeing him lost Gerald took matter in his hands )
G:- First of all , Mr Smith it's not very mindful of you to break into one of father's buisness partner house and on top of that you decided to throw hands , how immature of you hmm... Let's see first you break in , then you fight and tell you know you could be easily thrown in bars right now ?
E:- I don't care about that .
G:- Of course you don't, but wouldn't that make a bad impression of your family and I must say it will a splendid news to the Harrison ( business rival )
E:- ( Stepping forward) Don't you dare do that , you scoundrel !
( Suddenly Gerald phone rang and he put in on speaker , on the end of the head of the London police department but instead of filing a complaint to him , he simply said )
G:- I apologise for my wife's inconvenience to you it's just our old pal .
( Arching his eyebrows towards ethan )
( Seeing this his friend went close to him and whispered something in his ears making his look at gerald with pure hatred )
G:- Get out of this country while you still can boy , otherwise the high end business man Mr Smith's son will be departed like a illegal criminal .
E:- (Looking at John ) Trust me you shithead , you ain't getting out of this yet .
G:- ( yelling at the guards to make them move soon they were thrown out of the mansion and the gates shut down in front of their faces ) Have a lovely flight Mr Smith !

End of conversation

Ethan (P.O.V)

After leaving America all I could think about during the entire 8 hrs flight was how badly I am going to beat that hudson who harmed advira , and even after giving him a blow to his jaw my hands were thirsty for his blood , he dared harm her and now he is having the audacity to take her away from me , to not let her meet me , why is this happening ? I should have made her run and come to me , It's all my damn fault , Forgive me advira I am not there for you when you need me the most but now I will not leave any stone unturned to get back to you again , I might be blocked from entering England for few months but this can't hold out friendship back , I promise to you I won't let you suffer there any longer ( he thought as he and his friend both were forced to go back to America taking the last flight of the day )

After landing

It is a sunny day for the new Yorkers the usual bustling filled the streets of the cities but inside the Smith house it was tense , the parents were concerned about their son's safety ofcourse the Hudson family shouldn't harm their son , but knowing things can get messy fast the Smith wanted to play safe however Ethan was angry and frustrated he wanted to help his friend who needed his help the most and wanted to get her out of this abusive marriage but all he knew was the verbal evidence from advira , even is they manage to file a case it is very less likely they will win as the wedding took place with her consent and her legal guardian doesn't have any objections with it , moreover the letters written by her doesn't have any mention of abuse and violence , one cannot justify and prove their case with so little evidence, tried and drained Ethan looked at his dad for advice and help who dismissed his lawyer and soon the duo talked for a while the father tried to comfort his son again but to no avail he too wanted to help advira but given the tough circumstances it was hard to fight but something which came to his mind was how come advira didn't reach out to him even he was there the major question was why did advira didn't respond ? . Ethan tried to recollect the day's memory and suddenly it struck in her mind that advira has stopped writing his letters for seven months and she was also surrounded by three boys whom he didn't know of and how advira didn't look at him and her wrist were dressed that's when it clicked him and he told his dad :- I am afraid something really bad had taken place in these seven months and we need to find out what .

A/N:- Double update this week ! I have kept the chapter relatively small because I have saved the important part and wanted to write about in a separate chapter which will be releasing soon . So till the next update we meet stay safe stay happy.

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