Chapter -29 ( part 1 )

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Narrator point of view

The melancholic announcement of landing filled advira's ear as she followed along the long trail of passengers waiting for their turn to get their hands on their luggage it's been a  long flight for her the constant nagging and chattering of her co- passenger bothered her a lot but when he finally fell asleep advira was wide awake despite she knew she was safe the fear of being caught and hurl back to zero was strong she tried to fell asleep but jolted awake every time as familiar brown eyes watched her like a prey watching it's predators after few unsuccessfully tries she dumped the idea and stayed awake eating trying to numb his voice yelling in the back to of her heart :- No matter where you go you will always find yourself in my arms . She looked annoyed as the guy from the flight judin is his name started chattering  again chirping like a bird in the early morning hours it was at this time she felt angry for knowing English.  His chatter faded in the background as advira was welcomed by the warm sun and the frothy clouds in the sky of Thailand she took a deep breathe and she felt grateful and thanked lord Krishna for his mercy and guidance he provided her . She smiled as she sling the carry bag on her back and bid farewell to the chatterbox named judin . A new thrill found it's way in her heart as she sat in the taxi in the disguise of a man there was no denying in the fact that she was nervous anxious even but not scared as she had endured enough and will not stop at nothing , the pain she felt not being able to bid a farewell to her friends was strong and tugged at her heart every now and then but her mind convinced her otherwise before she could make a call to hunter to let him know she is safe because the mind knew the pain was temporary but the cost will be great if they are ever to get caught with a maniacal obsessed husband on a loose who she divorced after drugging him everything could go wrong . She exited the taxi and stood at the gate of her hotel for now she had  decided to play of the perfect tourist she was here for only two weeks for one week she will be guided by a tour guide in a group of  five and next week they were free to interact and explore Thailand and the variety of things it has to offer ranging from hertiage,  culture to clubs and dating life . Things were smooth here likes waves in a ocean now that we are talking about waves one should always one that waves is it's flow can't be controlled . On the other hand in England,  in London things were crashing like a ship stuck in a Storm in a ocean . John was like a raging bull destroying everything in his way . So far he had fired advira's bodyguard since failed to do their job apart from the destruction he caused while throwing furniture and his stuff around . His eyes were of deep red indicating he had been crying for a while with blurring vision he watched where advira had made him sign they were no longer married according to the law also it was a contract marriage and advira had paid  him the amount required for nullifying the contract before leaving he tried to trace it but all his tech savvy team could get was empty air advira had been throuogh  with her execution . His eyes found the snippets he took of advira while she dosed off to sleep he looked at the picture with a manical grin and eyes which screamed a promise of captivity  and repentance  as he caressed her wedding ring imaging her fingers . He smiled and then laughed as he took in his appearance sitting in his chair with wild hairs and red eyes and lousy outfit he looked at his reflection in the ring as the sun shined on it and spoke aloud :- You have awaken the beast darling , I will make sure that you will curse the day you ran away , you will grieve and I will make sure of it .

Advira P.O.V

Groaning from aching muscles and tired eyes I made my way through the various rooms occasionally stopping to checkthe room number and matching it with thr keys in my hand  , I was staying in a motel some sort of pg type arrangementat its best the architecture was in good condition the walls intact and had graifittis as their design which mixed well the thing is I am here for only two weeks and for a trip made in haste this is still pretty good all I have to do is share my room with some other three girls as mentioned in the pamphletof the travel agency the room will be a shared one which is of no problem I am girl they are a girl what can go wrong . I always wanted to go on solo trips as a young teen if only I knew that not only I will be going but also disguise as a guy it's like a fancy show if we think of it just not the fancy part guess my ick of becoming a spy after watching all those notorious spy movies of western and Indian cinema alike came true but minus the fun part it's more intense  it's like walking on eggshells or giving final exam paper without studying there is definitely a sense of thrill to it playing as a guy does give me slight advantage and I bit of an upper hand but the danger of exposure is fatal not only it will mean deportation to London but to John who is high on his pride and knowing him as I am sure that I have messed up big , I ruined his clothes , his brother's collection not to mention favorite and limited edition one but the thing is I hurted his ego and if there is one thing bigger than John Hudson apparent madness for me it's his ego . The rattling of the keys interrupted  me from my chain of thoughts as I opened my room and found two guys fighting for their turn to shower while a third one stood lazily watching me as my eyes widened it can't be happening suddenly one of the guy towel making me shriek loudly as I hurriedly place a hand on my eyes while loud roars filled the room soon few steps came in my way and my hand was placed away from my eyes as the guy who was watching earlier now stood before me with a grin on his face while the other whose towel had fallen ran to the bathroom and the other guy who was fighting with him gave him a angry look but soon it changed to a smug look as he watched that I looked everywhere but not as his naked chest , not wanting them to have any suspicion on me I coughed like a man does loud and ugly and gave a slight push to the guy standing in front of my way as I made me way around the room which was a total mess and found another pair of bunk bed the guys hollered around and I ignored them and when they left the exhaustion from the trip and the realisation of being stingy came into my mind so much for saving money huh I smack my head and unfolded the pamphlet in which It was written that room will be shared by another three person of the same gender and since I was a guy a dude and I got three more guys to share my room with . Suddenly I missed being around judin the chatterbox as I fell asleep on the top bunker bed not giving heed to another quarrel occurring in the room as the two guys fought now over for a packet of chips . Great so much for peace !

A/N:- The next update is here . Do tell your views regarding the chapter . The chapter doesn't end here in the next part we will be seeing John 's view in depth here a glimpse is given . Do you think advira's identity will be jeopardize since she will be sharing a room with three other boys who can't seem to get quite at all ? The next chapter will be filled with laughter as advira will explore Thailand and what it feels to be a man while John will hatch a plan to catch his beloved . So till the next time we meet stay safe stay happy . Will be uploading images of this chapter soon since I switch mobile and I can't find the screenshot feature yet 😫 nevermind that . The next update will be super soon maybe *whispers * Wednesday .

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