Chapter - 8

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Narrator point of view

Somewhere in America

A skyscraper stood among many others in the bustling city of newyork with people rushing on the streets , the blasting music of hip hop catched the attention of the pedestrian as they watched the street performers energetic performance . Somewhere admist all this a young teenage boy stood restless on his father's desk in the cabin while listing his concerns . The middle age man crunched his eyebrows comprehending the newly information and looked at his son who clearly appeared disturbed . The guy showed him a box and dumped out its contents on the shining table creating a illusion of many scattered letters and pick them up and showed it's date and then picked another one then other . A pattern stood among the letters they were a span of maximum 3 weeks each signed by a girl named Advira . Ethan looked at his father whose blue eyes  dilated and he looked up and locked his eyes with his son without breaking the eye contact he dialed his secretary who appeared after few minutes with two tickets to London leaving tomorrow . Ethan hugged his dad and collected the letters and soon they were engaged in a conversation .

The conversation

E:- Dad , I just hope that everything is all right . If he dared to hurt her this time I won't listen to her that fucker is going to get a good beating .
Mr Smith :- Son , calm down I know she is your friend you have mentioned earlier about her but why didn't you tell me that she was suffering this much ? She could have lived with us , I don't any problem with it and neither does your mom .
E:- I promised her dad , the last time I saw her was when we were invited to their house for dinner you remember the girl who was serving us it was her even then she was trying to hide her bruises . I should have made her leave that place , I knew what situation she was living in and yet I failed to acknowledge the situation.
Mr Smith:-( consoling him )  Son , blaming yourself is not going to help you and her . Go and get her and don't come without her .
E :- ( smiling ) Thanks dad , let's just hope we are not late .
Mr Smith:- You are not going alone , Hudson family shouldn't be underestimated , take your friend Ryan with you I have booked the tickets .
E :- Dad , it's means a lot to me . ( Saying this they both hugged and he took the box and left as he was coming out of the building he called his best friend Ryan to inform him about the same who was more than happy to help his friend )

Meanwhile in London

The clicking sound of clock in advira's room alerted her it's been hands down the best sleep after two years , she was not food deprived, nor sleep yet a restless feeling was settling in her , the blazing sound of wood cracking in the fire catched her attention , though her life in this busy city hasn't been the best yet she couldn't forget the fact that it brought her closer to the nature , she gradually founded a solace in the nature during her time at the hospital and even now she use to often go to the woods especially in the night because she felt been seen and heard there , with no one to judge or insult her she found a rather unique part of herself which she has lost somewhere buried deep beneath her thoughts of fear and disdain . She sang and climbed the trees and found herself getting happy each day even when she was there was no escape from him , if she was going down then so be it but not without a fight . Deep immersed in her world the knock on the door made her come back to reality she sighed and looked at the clock it's time , let's see what fate has in store for her this time . Advira suprised faced flashed in front of Gerald and Leo as the strong rush of memories flowed through her brain and she looked down and whispered a small good evening sir to both , Leo was guilty and was about to say something when Gerald signalled him not to . The doctor has strictly warned them against doing anything which might trigger her . She followed quickly behind them keeping a distance and her head down in order to live she has to obey sadly she has accepted it long ago . The heavy footsteps echoed in the hallway as the trio made their way through this part of the mansion was very unfamiliar to Advira she was strictly not allowed her she peaked a little at the shining woody floor and wanted to look more around when a alarming voice rang in her head Don't you dare they are watching you and will hunt you down they always do . Gulping down her intrusive yet accurate thoughts she hurried behind when the duo stop outside she followed suit as she was keeping her eyes low she didn't knew they have reached this time Leo spoke to her Umm.. sister in la.. ahem I mean advira we have reached the cabin you should go inside, brother is waiting . He said as politely as he could , advira was taken aback by the sudden change and nodded still refusing to utter a word as if he will cut her tongue well in her defense they didn't had a great or any relation to begin with , the last time she spoke to him , that ended quite well . She went past them and knocked on the door she looked shabby but clean , her clothes weren't in the best condition the sweater she wore was the one sweater she only had which was once maroon in colour now lightish link worn out and having patches of different colours . Her hair were open covering her back and giving her a little warmth as she wore a dressing on her head as when she fell she got hit by the cupboard , her pants were of a dark grey colour it was her school uniform pants she got it for free from school it was for poor students apart from that she owned another pain of pants blue yet another school uniform . Her kurta was long with wide sleeves and was peaking out from the sweater she has outgrown it , yet she continues to wear it none the less . She knocked on the door twice as she was required the servants were told to knock once a deep masculine voice rang out draining her soul a sudden rush of blood flower through her veins , for a brief moment she could hear her heart beating in her drums sighing silently she opened the door and bowed down deeply  submitting her services and whispered a good evening sir  as she  bend down her hair covered her face blocking her vision for which she was grateful if she saw him by any chance there is no way she is getting out of the cabin without begging for mercy . John looked at her standing from his chair , he saw that she was still bending and he noticed that the distance between them was far as she stood glued to the door . He was dressed in black warm sweater and gray pants , he noticed advira looking down and not moving afraid of him , her breathing getting uneven he was dressed quite comfortably and not in formals as if he wanted to impress her even he wore a certain kind of watch as he remembered advira taking a glance at his collections and telling him it will look on him when she first came boy the scolding she got for touching his stuff needless to say from that she wasn't allowed to touch his stuff . Good evening advira let's take a seat . Look up he called out softly to her .
Advira slowly looked up but didn't made any eye contact and keep her head bowed . A heavy silence hung the cabin and Hudson decided to break it .

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