Chapter -3

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Standing up for yourself is realising that nobody else is going to do that for you .

Time skips to the next week

Narrator point of view

Everything is going well in advira's life for the past one week , she still have his debts to pay off , working her butt off to meet her ends , being a little bullied but hey that's life for her , her morning routine was depressing to say the least she use to skip the breakfast the reason was simple either she could have her breakfast or the lunch and she chose the lunch which basically comprised of leftovers from the breakfast table . She used to get ready whilst talking to herself aloud in her attic , having no friends had taken a toll on her a bit it's true that everyone needs someone to share their load with , to share their worries and if not that maybe to atleast be present to hear them but she didn't have anyone at all ; all she had was her dairy which she has befriended and some kind servants who very rarely use to help her but never spare her a glance nonetheless as if they will be wasting their time even to look at her . She has been pretending to be strong for over years now , behind that bowed head is a simple girl who has spend countless nights shivering in the cold , crying her eyes out on days she felt broken and lonely when she was bullied but when she looked around she again found the same empty room with no one to comfort her or to tell her that she will be okay , that it's a dream but for sure she knew that this is her life now . She tried to blend in with her classmates and smiled ear to ear in order to make some friends to share her grief , to have someone she could rely upon , could seek shelter when things get unbearable but classmates always bullied her and never liked her for no apparent good reason at all to them she was just a middle class girl who wasn't worthy enough or equal to their status at all and deserved to be reminded her place again and again . The place she thought where she could find a little solace made her feel the same coldness of the people back in the mansion . After trying for months she no more tried to fit in .

Time skips to the morning
( In the classroom of the school )

The classroom was spacious enough and was decorated with boards having quotes of famous and knowledgeable humanitarian people standing tall in the frame speaking Ambitious lines to any other normal student it sounded cheerful and uplifted their spirit but to advira it seemed shallow and worthless the photographs of the rare species of birds and animals reminded that that they were free and being protected while she was being hunted and her freedom being torn down , the picture of rainbow on the sky was the one she hated the most because she knew that the board was offering her something she could never have , a better future , a good life it was all meaningless to her the quotes were nothing but black sentences to her with no meaning because the same people who talked about protecting the environment , or the journalists who speak that people should be treated the same were hypocrites to her , they will boast about their ideology when in real life if a person ask them for help they would simply refuse to listen , they would shout on podiums about the human rights being exploited but when faced against the same in their own houses will keep their mouth shut , the industrialists who spoke vehemently against child labour in her school was seen employing child labourers for his coal mine . They were just hypocrites to her , saying something to gain sympathy and to use the same thing they stand against to fill their pockets that's how the rich people function among the 30 children in the classroom she stood out like a sore thumb in the backseat sitting alone with her eyes down engrossed in her lend me down books which she treasured greatly .

Advira ( P.O.V)

I looked around myself a bit after realising that class is about to start . I sit alone on the fatherest corner of the classroom making myself almost invisible to the eyes of my classmates and teachers alike however out of all the students Kate is the one girl that hate me the most just because during assembly I accidentally stepped on her shoes which resulted in me having detention after school not to mention her destroying my bag pack and spraying my seat with vulgar Graffiti well that you would thought that I might have fought back but I didn't because I knew this class teacher Mr Gary detest me and is always looking for ways to trouble me plus nobody in the whole class I knew would stood up for me and the CCTV camera in the class was already down during the incident somehow so there is no proof . She was dozed in her thinking when Mr Gary her history teacher also her class teacher entered the class as usual he told the students to open the books but since advira book's was destroyed by Kate's group and she haven't gotten a new one get , her teacher got angry and told her to either share it with someone or to simply leave she didn't even bothered to ask around as she already knew the answer and decided to leave the class after picking her bag making the students laugh and mock her , especially Kate's group who found this the most amusing thing in the morning . She was standing outside her class when she noticed hudson's younger brother along with his group bunking the class and roaming in the premise like a flock of wild animals hooting , shouting and not caring at all even the management couldn't do anything about it because it was Hudson and his friend's huge amount of money which kept their mouth shut . The group was known as the " Daredevil " having reputation of getting into physical quarrels with teachers and students who didn't uphold their supremacy . The leader of the quad is Leo hudson's younger brother a typical spoil rich brat who thinks the world revolves around him only living off his parent and brother's money whi haven't had the experience of the real world yet . Leo spotted her and approached her and asked her to kneel before him and clean his shoes with her hands the squad was use to it and enjoy seeing her being bullied but there was one among the quad who was neither the part of the bullying nor believe in it and decided to leave soon Leo began bullying advira aggressively .

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