Chapter -27

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Contuining from the last chapter

Narrator point of view

The sun was setting in the background creating a orangish hue in the sky as John heavy footsteps echoed in the silent forest as fallen leaves creaked under his shoes advira breathe hitched with his each steps , as if the exhaustion and the trauma the dinner gave her wasn't enough John searching for her was making her breathing come out in shallow and loud breathe afraid that John will be able to hear her she tried her best to calm herself but wasn't able to , her wound was paining badly , the bruises on her legs ached as she tried to sit comfortably suddenly everything fell silent advira vision blurred out as she blinked to get the situation in control if not in her favour , just as she was able to calm her breathing the sudden voice of John calling out her name frantically made her yelp as she tried to camouflage herself in her environment but her shoulder tensed as she looked down blending herself with the leaves John wasn't alone with him was Gerald and cornor and his hands had stains of blood , unable to control the gasp that left her mouth she looked horrified as John's eyes made contact with her his eyes widened while hers remained glued to his figure unable to blink , she watched in sheer shock that cornor was now climbing the tree on which she was sitting , he was only a few feet away from her when she started hallucinating infront of her stood those man who tried to get their hands on her she shrieked loudly as she found herself falling from the tree her balance lost when she tried to climb up , John thrashed himself as gerlad hold was tight on him refusing to budge as the guards had already placed the safety net he swallowed the lump in his throat as advira fell on the net her body bouncing and then sinking as he watched her as Gerald hold was loosened by him , with hurrying footsteps he reached the net where advira layed unconscious and bleeding from her head wound her ankle twisted at a unnatural angle as he gingerly picked her up cradling her to his chest relishing the comfort and belongingness sense his wife brought him as they left the forest to the mansion .

After reaching the mansion

John's shadow can be seen holding and laying beside advira as he softly patt her hair making her fall asleep the doctor left the couple after changing her dressing on her head and the cast on her foot nodding at John for his attention as he reluctantly left her side , giving her a last glance he took in her appearance her eyes closed with a nasty bruise forming on her arm when that bastard touched her, he gritted his teeth in anger but felt calm after seeing her safe though she was injured but the injury wasn't deep to cause any fatal damage , fortunately her ankle will heal in just a week , John and the doctor conversed as advira layed asleep due to medication dosage hugging the blanket , the tattered dress no longer covering her instead of it she was change into a t-shirt and pajama , the t-shirt belonged to John he though he wanted to change her himself but refuse his ideas knowing advira will not be happy after learning this and let the nurse change her in gerlad wife's presence to ensure her safety . The moonlight fell on the couple as John gently put his arm around advira waist and layed beside her awake to ensure that she can sleep peacefully and if she needs anything that he should be there to help her . The rhythmic and soft breathing of advira calmed his anger as he talked to cornor excited to take revenge on those who dare to harm what's his .

Advira (P.O.V)

My head felt light weirdly light as if I am floating the last thing which I can recall in my memory is falling off the tree and then nothing maybe I am dead for good should I be happy because that what I wanted right or should I cry and wail because I won't be able to meet Ethan now not my new friends who barged in my life at the least moment when I was expecting who showed me compassionate gave me courage and for what for me to die a pitiful death ? Should I be angry that I wasn't able to take out my anger , to burn those to ashes who battered my soul , maybe seeking vegencace was a mistake how could I nobody win against those who have it all ? My head pounded again as I felt my blood rushing through my viens am I alive !? How I fell off the tree who rescued me ? . Just then I felt a touch on my waist gentle and soothing and I found myself leaning towards it relishing the warmth it provided as I hand made it's way to my scalp gentle massaging my hair it felt nice a sigh escaped my chapped lips as the warmth began moving away from me not as if my body had a mind of its own I found myself reaching for it and then I found it making sure to not let it go as I sprawled myself on that odd pillow .

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