Chapter - 5

211 11 3

When the mind and heart is terrorised and the soul is being crushed you found yourself being surrounded by darkness and instead of fighting it you succumb to it fast and quick as if wanting it . - Advira

TW:- Chapter contains topic such as abuse and suicide attempts. Readers discretion is advised.

Narrator point of view

( Time skips to two weeks )

It's been two weeks the weather of London hasn't calmed down thunderstorm and heavy rainfall had wrecked the city forcing people to shut down their business for a while , schools and universities closed only the emergency services are available including hospital and some grocery store . In admits of this all advira wasn't found by the trio following the night of the revelation they left early morning but was unable to find her they returned only to go again the next day but still couldn't find her and they continued it for the whole week . John had decided to get the police involved and file for a missing complaint at first they all thought she will return anytime soon and John had informed all the servants especially the guards at the gates to let her in his mind was full of guilt and it should be after all if it wasn't of his dimwit and attitude and anger towards her maybe she hasn't left . Various negative thoughts were clouding his mind as he sat with the chief officer to discuss the issue Gerald and Matthew was there too while Leo was in his room still digesting all the new information his best friend was comforting him as he saw his best friend in a devastating state his eyes looking sunken from the lack of sleep with visible air bags beneath them his mind was replaying all the times she looked at him searching for refugee instead in those eyes they found the murderer of their happiness. Advira though was treated badly back by the Malhotra's too by the abuse crossed all the limits by the Hudson . If Malhotra were cruel then the Hudson's were inhumane knowing no bounds whatsoever . People say people who commit suicide are weak , that they have no will to live , some say that they are soft hearted that they should know that this world is not a happy ray of sunshine, they will be crushed , will face adversities but they shouldn't give up and I agree with the line that giving up is not the solution but shouldn't the people who were suppose to take care of you actually do it , shouldn't they be the one on whom you can rely upon , they should be the first person whom we can think of in any problem for solutions , they should make us feel safe , happy , loved and being taken care of unfortunately for Advira the dreams her hopes got crushed consecutively one after another she found herself trapped with a beast named John Hudson whose eyes screamed for vengeance and his mind wanted her blood to soothe his wounds . John was so invested in getting his revenge that he forgot to get his facts straight he was on the hunt to find the real murderer without knowing the full truth and in this situation advira became a scapegoat . Advira on the other hand has recovered and was staying at the father's room they were in the living room father was insisting her to stay for a more days but she was refusing the offer when they both were arguing when the news anchor caught their attention . On the flat screen of the tv the female anchor spoke in a professional tone delivering the news of a missing person , female age 18 years old , height around 5'4 , wearing a St Peter school's sweater , both of them looked worriedly at the news , advira took some shaky breaths as she manage to stand from the bed she changed the channel to other and another but she was all over the news and it didn't took her long to figure out that her absence this time didn't went unnoticed . Father watched her in worry but before he could speak advira look at him and told him once and clear :-" I am leaving uncle " . Soon they both were taking to each other .

The conversation

F:- Father , A:- Advira

F:- ( making her sit on the bed ) Listen kid it's not safe for you out there . You can stay hidden here . ( Though he was not sure for the last part the involvement of the police , and the news with her picture flashing every now and then meant that she can't stay low for long )
A :- ( Something was going on in her mind ) You don't understand uncle do you , you know how much powerful he is and with this news drama many people know how I look now and they will definitely report me to police which will lead me to him . It's about his reputation and if there is one thing I know about the Hudson's is that they care about it a lot . This is not a search party for me but a hunt a witch hunt to be precise .
(Father gulped collectively himself to not cry as advira never called him uncle and only sir , in front of the frail girl but there was something very different in her eyes something unusual almost like as if she had lost the will of live , they appeared dull and gloom and full of pitch darkness)

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