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Sometimes you are in so much pain that giving up seem to be the only option .

Warning:- Contains attempt of self-harm . Viewers discretion is advised .

Narrator ( P.O.V)

You must have heard many tales of selfless love from Romeo Juliet to H.C Anderson and Edvard Colin and so on but not every love story gets completed not everyone gets a happy ending but they still leave a deep impact in our mind by leaving it's imprints in our heart . Not every love story is filled with love , romance and passion but some are tragic and maybe that's why they have such a deep impact afterall every human at least once in their life have fallen in love , gone through heartbreak and seen the death of a loved one . It's true that they are many differences among us but it's not false that pain and suffering bind us . Today I , bring forward such one tragic story of love , frendship and companionship in front of you .
There she stoods with dishellevd hairs , tears in her eyes and fear and sadness in her orbs but what stood the most was her was still the feeble smile on her lips as if remensing about the good time typical of human behaviour always recalling good time in bad times and not actually enjoying it when it's there and worrying about the future and frustrated about the past . With one last glance at the same room of a house she had built with her own hands she looked at the chart paper displaying two heading written in bold " Rules and Punishments " she smiled again at it as if mocking the rules the room shrank as the air flowed through the broken windows and torn curtians playing with her reminding her it's time that she should let go at once and for all . She smiled again with tears slipping from her eyes dampening her brusied cheeks in the process moisturing her dry skin she took the broken piece of glass and folded the sleeves of her kurta ( ethnic Indian wear ) seeing the marks from the earlier futile attempts and slid it down the glass shard gently across her arm feeling her veins and her breathe and her heartbeat pumping with blood for the last time . She opened the very one cupboard she owned pulling the drawers open picking upon the single photo of her in this house smiling with him the photo shining in the light like a star on a gloomy night gliding her fingers on it it she laughed whole heartedly her laughter ringing in her ears and very gently admired it fearing someone or most precisely him can come in taking a what seem like a longest glance at the room at one last time she picked up the shard and started gliding it down on her arm like a boat sailing in the vast ocean the only difference was that this ocean was red in colour and the destination was different entirely . She smiled as she felt her eyes being shut and her head feeling light she heard the last bang on her door and door already being on its hinges broke down but she had already fallen in the sleep of Oblivion away from everyone and everything . Leaving the place which gave her nothing but fear , brusies and the people who casted them upon her . There wasn't a single regret as she slept and all she did was smile and smile perhaps thinking about the letter that she had already posted to her friend and it must have reached him sharing how much she cherished their relationship , their friendship , to how to met for the first time describing him as a jerk and  later on  becoming best friends with him and ending it on a sad note of not being able to fulfill her promise to survive to be alive anymore as she didn't have the courage anymore the demons have finally got her as they were always with her but this time she didn't fight back she just accepted as believing it was fate afterall and asking him to forgive her and to give her a proper burial , at least she would be respected and treated with love and care if not in this life then in the death but little did she knew that her journey hasn't ended it has just began .

A/N:- Don't ever try to end your own life , I know it may seem it's over and that you got no one but it's will be all fine think about all the positive thing and negative things in your life so far and compare them and I am sure you will find the positive side heavier . Seek help and talk to people whom you love and trust even a quite me time talk with yourself can prove to be a great help and don't be afraid to show your emotions of fear and disappointment voice your opinions and fight for them . Hello to everyone out there . So , that is how this story will began and I look forward to your feedback as they help me a lot so please put forward your views in the comment sections . It's been a long time since we met I hope you all are doing well and continue to do soo . The upcoming chapters will contain flashback . Let me mention what who is whom here so that any confusion can be avoided smoothly .
1) She - Refers to here to the female lead .
2) He - Male Lead ( Positive or negative you will get to know in the upcoming chapters)
3) He - Best friend of the female lead ( Well, let just say he is here to make you cry and laugh )
That's it for the time being more side characters will be introduced in the chapters itself . Weekly updates will be there .
So , till the next time we meet stay safe stay happy .

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