lviii - why did i bother fightingg..again?

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That made Michael fume and since Aimsey's the only one out of everyone who can understand signs, this was his opportunity to speak out.

Harshly he uses his trotters to sign quickly,

"Oi don't give me that- I had to fight- For my friends-"

He signs again,

"I get that it's your parents- but they wouldn't want you to have your life risked like that- You're far too young to die just for them!"

While they're having a war – a silent war..a cold war? Sapnap crosses his arms in front of Eryn, "Since I have like..maybe a few minutes before I have to do my business in the prison, care to explain how you got into this bullshit?"

Before Eryn speaks up, Sapnap cuts him off, "And don't say that 'I'm doing this for fun.' Fucking hate that excuse."

Eryn's look darkens, "Have to support my friends..they go down, I go down with them." He stares at him, "Isn't that what you would do too?"

Sapnap chuckles at that, "Unfortunately, I don't have any friends- so the analogy you're trying to put shit on me doesn't fucking work."

Eryn groans, "I get you're lonely as fuck- But can't you at least see that I'm actually doing something of a purpose than to just..I don't know- burn and kill shit? For once, I got someone that I can value- Even if my life depends on it."

That made Sapnap sigh, "Like Michael, this isn't your fight. And if I die, after everything that's happened..Bad will have no one but himself."

Eryn crosses daer arms, "We don't talk much in the first place..I'm sure he'll be fine on his own."

But the other one struck daem,

"Wait..what do you mean if you die?" That familiar sick feeling creeps up to daem, "Are you..going to die, Sapnap?"

Sapnap didn't answer,

"So..nice weather we're having?" Ponk says just to chill down the tension, as Jack groans at that, "Fuck stop fighting y'all- where's Niki anyway?"

Aimsey frowns, ceasing stars arguments against Michael, "She was with Eret. We all separated from them. As planned, told us to sit here like ducks, securing the exit cuz we can't exactly find a different escape route."

Jack narrows his eyes, "Niki might know the other way when she helped Techno and Phil have Dream escape."

Sapnap sours at that, "But I bet you guys went in anyway."

Aimsey nods, proud of it as well, "Thankfully we didn't encounter anyone, I think everyone was busy with the other prisoners..We managed to catch up on a few people like Wilbur and..uh Quackity-"


"Is he hurt?..Quackity?.." Sapnap interrupts the conversation, as all stare at him.

Eryn raises a brow, but dae they quiet,

"I- Last time I checked he seems..fine..he has a..terrible scar on his face tho-"

"Always been there, Aimee..but yeah he's alright. We were told to leave and find Sam who was..supposed to get the rest of them out..Then we figured we double checked if the main entrance was still good- And.."

Ponk takes a deep breath that cut off Eryn's words, "Here we are.'

Dream pulls off the blade, takes one more look at the others before pearling off-

Foolish attempts to follow him but something grips his shark fins.

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