xxxviii - im not angry anymore I

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Ivory - xxxviii ; I'm Not Angry Anymore

Created: 12.26.22

Finished: 12.27.22

Edited: 01.27.23

Published: 01.27.23


Trigger Warning: rant, traumadump..lot of tw to the next part

Word Count: 2689

A/N: tw - lil' traumadump

I watched a vid about my class's performance of Speech Fest 2020..and I forgot I had a solo part, and I seemed to have nailed it? I bruised my rib in the process since my classmate stomped on me a bit too hard. haha. It was worth it tho cuz we won^^

So sorry that this is late..very busy in school, and am more on focusing in writing the climax, so I am really enjoying the stress of making it perfect.

Lastly, lastly, question question- Would it be a good idea to include Sapnap in the story? Don't worry he has a good reason to be included, at the same time, he doesn't have to be a part of it..But..potential dnf content in Ivory tho? Consider consider? Either will do really, I'll let you guys decide.

P.S This chapter is worth 3 parts, this is the first part. I will be publishing the second part tomorrow. This is the chapter that had so much words it had to be separated. Help me. Also, am starting to put some music that I hope would sync with the vibe well, I don't know a lot of songs so..yikes.


"I didn't expect you'd come around sooner."

"Better to be sooner than later." Her hair is like Technoblade; bubblegum pink, "Your crows do fly fast, but I respond faster."

It might be dye since he can notice streaks of blonde hair on some parts. Either way, she looks beautiful.

Tommy feels he has always known that.

Phil only chuckles at her answer, giving her a warm smile, "Well then, welcome back, Niki. It has been months since I last saw you." Her name is Niki? "Hopefully life is treating you well?"

The girl whose name ought to be Niki giggles in return, her voice is high, almost childlike in contrast to her sharp features, "Barely living, but you get used to it."

Her accent is strange, Tommy can't exactly place it. It's a mixture of many tongues, constantly creating either havoc or harmony in her speech.

It's fascinating.

Her attention pans to Tommy, as to which the other grows tense, "Oh? Who is this? A new friend of yours, Phil?"

Phil frowns, well, tries to smile his way to Techno and hisses near his pig ear, "She doesn't know?"

The piglin only shrugs, sharing the same glare as his, "You brought Wilbur here against my deal with Niki."

Phil fumes before inhaling in his anger. It's better not to be crossed with him..for now. He looks back and sees Niki trying to converse with Tommy, but fails.

The silent one looks tense, a stranger talking to him seems to bring him discomfort, 'Of course he doesn't remember who she is either.' Phil heaves a breath, going forward,

"You look painfully I know you?" Niki asks, and Tommy only clutches his blue coat, she's painfully familiar too, he just doesn't know who she is,

"Erm, can you talk? I'm sorry if I'm making you uncom-"

"Niki." Phil calls which brought the pink haired girl's attention.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now