am bacc- so i got some snacs like a few qnas and a chapter synopsis OoO/

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(art is about the recent chapter published that i have yet to put it on digital, also dont mind the updates, just fixing a smol numbering issue..all good)

I have returned - well a bit. I'm using data so it stinks. It lags a lot. AhhHhHhh

My classes start tomorrow, and I'm more on nervous that the connection cannot handle the online class, and attendance is important and everything naoenaoeingagae ill figure it out smh.

I've been gone in a month, and honestly, it doesn't feel like one.

Are you guys still there?

Readers tend to disappear if the author is gone for so longO_o

As much as I prefer to stay consistent, breaks are important

Even if it doesn't feel like a breakT_T

I'll be publishing a chapter real soon, if the internet is back, and I have properly edited the next one. Since I was more on writing drafts than editing.

So far there are..uhh let me check..9 or 10? Drafts? And with my calculation, Ivory will end with 70 chapters, that includes the 5 epilogues with varying perspectives, that depends who survived the end haha. So yeah we're pretty close. I think. I remember I need to make 10 more drafts or something..and I'm excited for the 60th in particular. But at the moment I'm writing this Tubbo limbo chapter and I'm just aaoaeoaegn author block attacked there, also this other chapter too so Im just bleh-

I don't think I have to mention anything about my life, it seems pretty irrelevant, so I'll just focus on the content. So there'll be qna's, and uhh a summary at the bottom of this. The qna is short dw, but the summary is pretty long so you don't have to read it if its not needed. The summary is somewhere in the Crack---You Ruined The Colour Blue For Me, just something to help readers in catching up or remember the pain they experienced reading all that shet hahaha- it was both fun and dread to summarise, makes me relive my struggles and pains writing and processing each and every chapter, so because of that, there are some fun facts between a chapter summarized so if ur curious to that, u know what to do. Looking back to it, I don't think it's a fun factO_o

Anyway, yeah, Im back and woooh- I have thoughts in actually making this story completely separated to blublu_by's AU. Theres just a part of me that although this is clearly inspired by their content, theres a lot that were just far-fetched and completely gone off into nothing but my ideas – my own terms and my own ways of telling how this goes: my own interpretation of what happens if Tommy was caught by Dream the moment he got out of prison. I'm not saying its like an original idea cuz it definitely isn't, at the same time, I dislike the idea that most of it would lead to the creator being credited, and my ideas might become theirs. So idk am rambling ahhh- nevermind I forgot whats the point of me writing this even hahaXD but whatever it is, I hope its understood? Help? What was I even sayi-

Also, yeh, ill wrap this up before I fall asleep again writing this- Oh yeah, pls note that its not too late to ask questions, pls I love to entertain all questions, just try to keep it more involved in the story than my own personal life though^^








- what was interrupting with technos voices? I did make a theory on the enchantments might be stopping him from hearing them

Enchantments was one thing, but his defeat took a toll on his ability to hear the voices. As it said in the..wait a minute, that chapter is not even out yet hahaXD But let's say the voices is the representation of his motivation, and his will to generally do anything. The louder it gets, the more eager he is to get things done and going, deafened, it shows that he's melancholic or peaceful. It depends on the situation, but most of the time, the loss of hearing them is a sign of him dying – whether mentally or physically. In his case, the defeat made him lose hope of everything. He's aware that he's the strongest out of all of them, thus he has no place to fall. Losing against a fellow with not only his life on the line and others, the loss took a number on him. So much that the voices temporarily disappeared, which demotivated him from fighting back. The special chains can be used for everyone – it has huge endurance, and brimmed with weakness potion, but as well as poison. For one thing, Techno is fine with poison, he drank the tea Dream served him(smells like cinnamon), and Wilbur's (you're maniac), weakness worked out as well. Technoblade is not a man that stays down in the dumps all the time, and somehow and someway, he'll be able to pick himself back up and got the voices back too. The enchantments did not make him lose the voices, but they certainly prevented them to return – causing him to further lose them, as well as himself. Nooo im not allowed to say this ahhh

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon