xlvi - 0bsidian wa- he1p m3mm3m- 11s !!

228 7 119

Ivory - xlvi - Obsidian Walls II

Created: 02.07.23

Finished: 02.13.23

Edited: 05.23.23 / 05.30.23

Published: 06.02.23


Trigger Warning: heavy stockholm syndrome implication(be mindful), manipulation, derealisation, wounds, mentions of death and revival

Word Count: 4122 (oops)

A/N: you can skip obv- am just ranting hahha- tw: change, school life, college, hospital..yep

This- wtf this supposed to published days ago! Why am I slacking off aoiognaioeanieg- I need to actually pay attention to this often. It's not like I'm bored to write this anymore (surprisingly) its just that I'm still heavily busy- and I have only got..two rest days, including this day. I have been going out so much, from after school business and expenses, college exams, dealing with my friend's coming of age celebration, and tomorrow, am attending to my other old friend's coming of age celebration. By Sunday, I have to wake up early again..church and family bonding, and by Monday, I have to go to the hospital for some ultrasound appointment cuz im dying haha. So many things to do..things are really changing here for me. I'm going away for college; away from family and comfort zone- and its just..really scary.

Not many can get to this college, and I'm lucky that I got to pass, not high enough to get a scholarship but its tuition fee is something so affordable. You just need to be a smortass...like me(am not smort i swear). But yeah, I just graduated..I was awarded with an academic excellence with honors, one of the top 10 Outstanding Students of the class out of 21 students, and have Outstanding in English and Communication. I graduated with four medals, and a college to go to..I don't know if I should be saying all of this out loud, not that you guys care, but..I'd like to say, thank you.

Even though its not much, you guys are still here and forever motivating me to continue my journey. And because of constant writing, it's probably how I improved my English well. Because of you guys, my confidence has improved and it made me feel more comfortable performing as hosts and voiceovers of school events, thus being awarded with a medal. Because of your patience and understanding that there are times this story has to be put on hold, I focused on my studies and continued to keep my high grades just enough to be in honors..also enough to be part of the high ranking of the class.

I'm glad you guys didn't give up on me, and I'm forever grateful for that. Thanks for being here, and please, enjoy the show. Also BiancaDiAngelo_13 helped me with the stockhholm syndrome part(the one with italics), they're pretty cool and a wonderful person to talk to so give them so love!




The boy's head rose, hearing a familiar voice.

He could see Dream a few feet away from him.

As far as he remembered, he looked different here, unlike his figure in the snow. Must be his eyes, in contrast to his memories.

It took him a while to remember that he treated him quite roughly when he was taken. His foot then took a step back, his eyes not leaving Dream's,

"Don't..It's alright- Am not gonna hurt- That was just-" He was stammering, as Tommy only looked at him - everything about him.

Despite having a blank face, he could almost scowl...finding it difficult to trust him again.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now