xlviii - revengers 2.2

172 7 22

Ivory - xlviii ; Revengers 2.0 II

Created: 02.02.23

Finished: 02.03.23

Edited: 05.15.23 / 06.18-20.23

Published: 06.21.23


Trigger Warning: near death situation, open forum, not much tw still...its a break

Word Count: 3782 (it was 2169 originally, thought it was too small so i added more angst)

A/N: I'm tired. I'm sorry I can't upkeep a tone to convince you all am alright. I tried.

Enjoy the chapter.



Everyone awaits, well, more like, went ahead of them.

Their eyes are raised, heads twisted, necks strained.

Niki was like that when she came here too, for the first time with Ranboo.

It was a long time ago.

"What..on earth..what is this place?" Aimsey asks, grabbing hold of Michael this time so he won't run around aimlessly,

"Welcome to where the nerds come around. This is the place where the book club members hang out." Niki lazily replies, stepping forward.

Eret's eyes narrow, squinting at the tapestry plastered on the grey, mossy walls.

Sic semper tyranis.

That doesn't sound like a typical book club area,

"Weird table." Ponk observes, lemons hand touch its smooth texture. Goosebumps tingle at the sensation, "I've never seen anything like it."

Eryn takes a look at it and visibly cringes at the sight of it, Ponk takes a while for lemon to notice, "You good?" Lemon asks as the hybrid eventually walks away,

"It doesn't feel right.." Eryn murmurs, vaguely, "Don't touch it will ya.." before walking away.

Ponk, despite being puzzled, follows daems words and lets go of the mysterious table.

Eryn instead eyes the chairs, noticing a pool of water, one in each chair.

Dae doesn't know what those are for, and dae bets it's not something weird..at least, dae hopes.

Ponk follows dae and notices the names on each seat, names so unfamiliar that lemon isn't even sure the two can pronounce it right.






"So why are we here again?" Eret gathers everyone's inner thoughts as Niki walks towards the meeting place, noticing something,

"Niki? Something wron-?"

"Someone came here before." She murmurs, looking down at the chairs, "The ender pearls..they're gone."

Aimsey frowns at that, "The enderpearls?"

Niki darkens her look as each realisation slaps her face, "The ender pearl stasis chamber..its a contraption that brings the pearl's user back to the chamber - the moment it breaks by activation. An ender pearl teleports you to the place where it landed when you threw it right? How far you are, if your chamber is activated, you're returned here.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now