xxiv - truth hurts, lies soothe

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Ivory – xxiv ; Truth Hurts, Lies Soothe

Created: 06.23.22

Finished: 07.06.22

Edited: 10.03.22 / 10.07.22

Published: 10.09.22


Trigger Warning: mentions of attempted s/icide, derealisation, victim blaming, emotional repression, mental breakdown

Word Count: 2858

A/N: Something tells me that I'm supposed to do something here. I keep coming back but I didn't know what was I supposed to doing..until now. I was ought to give another chapter to make it up for being late..for god sake one motherfu- It's cool, it's cool-- here's the chapter. I need to sleep. I'm sick.


"I'm sorry..I'm sorry, Tommy.."

His voice feels so far away. His hold doesn't feel like it's there.

I'm not burning.

I'm not cold.

I'm not home.

Where is home?

Technoblade watches the two with a frown, unable to say anything from what happened. But with how much Phil has been crying in front of Tommy, he could infer one thing:

He tried to do it. He tried to end his life.

Gritting his teeth, he closes his eyes, thanking the gods that they didn't take his life. He doesn't want his story to end his way, not the coward's way out.

His eyes..he can't look at it no more. Although he is not dead, Phil looks like he's holding some corpse, Tommy's stare at nowhere, with those soulless eyes of his.

Is he even there? He isn't so sure anymore.

The voices grow noisier, telling him that he failed, that Tommy deserved it, and that Phil looks so humiliating breaking down like that.

The voices want Technoblade dead, Phil and Tommy...as well as Dream. At least he's better at controlling them now, he thanks the gods..as well as his dearest friend,

"Phil...you can't stay here..you and Tommy..You two must be freezing.." He tries to make Phil stop crying.

The old man sniffles and nods, carrying the kid by his arms, "Whatever happened..it's not your fault. The gods spared his life, its good enough." He continues reassuring him, but Phil shakes his head,

"It's not that, Techno..Kristin..Kristin said something to me.." Techno raises his head, shock and confusion laced his face,

"The crows weren't fooling me that day, when they told me they saw a person being dragged away by a figure..It was Tommy that shouted, I heard my name being called..It was no illusion, I-"

He stops, wiping his drenched face, "Maybe if I trusted the crows more..maybe..maybe this..this wouldn't have happe-"

"Don't blame yourself. Don't ever blame yourself from what happened to this kid." His friend growls, annoyed to see Phil blaming himself for something he cannot control.

He was like this when he killed Wilbur, although he knew too well he didn't want this to happen. He never wished to kill his son, regardless if he's a madman or not,

"You never hurt the kid, Phil. Ever. You never even once thought about hurting the kid, and I know that. Because I know you as much as you know me." He clasps Phil's shoulder, desiring that he would listen like how he listens to this old hag,

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now