xxxiv - eavesdrop

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Ivory – xxxiv ; Eavesdrop

Created: 10.24.22

Finished: 10.25.22

Edited: 11.24.22

Published: 01.03.23


Trigger Warning: bandaging, wound, blood, arguing, mentions of death, revival, torture

Word Count: 3023..just 23..23

A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I am late hahaha h e l p - I hyperfixated working on that chapter about Dream meeting Tommy..Can you believe it? 14000 words? It's not even the finale yet! It's unedited so hopefully it would get lessened once I fix it. But most likely, that chapter has to be cut into 5 parts..orr not- I can just separate it for a new chapter, but that also means I have to get rid of one..I'll figure it out.

I am proud you guys are still here, alive, breathing haha- I hope you guys stay around a little longer, I only have to like make 10 chapters more, and edit uhhh 16 more raw chapters, and publish them ahhh so many- I'll slow down once more since classes return this Wednesday, and I have to prepare for exams and all that..yep, as my mother says, "Back to reality."

I enjoyed the holidays, for some reason, I did. Usually, I find them melancholic or anticlimactic? But surprisingly I am..happy, that I am still here, battling another year. I hope you guys enjoyed your holidays too, let's deal 2023 together wooh!- I hope the book gives you comfort whenever you guys need it. The book is going to have 20 K reads soon like how? The votes close to a thousand?? Never have I expected my work has reached this far. It's all because of you guys, thank you^^



"So, let's discuss." Phil takes a sip and places down his cup of tea. Of course, it is perfectly brewed, he's been here for thousands of years to perfect that.

Techno sits beside him, his mask covering his agile eyes watching Quackity across a different seat.

Tubbo wraps another roll of gauze around the duck's arm, it's not much but it was a painful hit,

"After..Tubbo's done with that."

Quackity keeps his tongue, trying not to grunt in pain, "You shouldn't have let him touch your injury..your bandages came off." Tubbo murmurs, his stern voice holds worry,

"Techno I swear to god, you needn't worsen our relationships with them. We already held ties, don't cut it." The piglin only grumbles in silence, the voices difficult to tame.

He didn't hit Quackity cleanly, it wasn't enough, they weren't satiated enough,

"It was fair, Philza. It's alright." The injured speaks up, flinching once Tubbo pulls the bandage firmly to a knot,

"He did mention he's going to kill me if I ever do something bad to Tommy..and I suppose..he's not ready to meet me yet, neither am I." He admits, guilty that he caused his flashbacks and his panic attack,

"Techno had any right to barge in and hurt me. He followed the end of our agreement, I didn't."

Phil sighs exasperatedly, his face clear that he's tired of dealing with these children, "Aight aight- Still, Techno, refrain your blade. As for all of you, we need to work together. We may have different ideals, and quite honestly I'm not exactly fond of you three." He eyes Tubbo, Quackity and Sam,

"And you're close to joining them as well." He hits Techno by the head, he sounds stern, yet the other didn't hit back, "But this is for the betterment of the server I don't exactly give shit about, this is for the safety of us all. For Tommy."

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें