xliv - loss

304 11 75

Ivory - xliv ; Loss

Created: 01.25.23

Finished: 01.25.23

Edited: 04.01.23 / 04.15.23

Published: 04.16.23


Trigger Warning: duels, swearing, tensed conversation, weapons, blood, poison, death? heavy bob, be warned

Word Count: 3806

A/N: Surely this chapter is enough for u guys to last for a month..right? Just let me finish my final defense in research and my final exams and we're all good. I think. Haha, this is the last chapter in April, I'll come back in May once school is over. So yes, enjoy this because this chapter is hellish. And also, just a reminder, any art that I show here, I don't like taking artists' work without permission, so all art I used, they're all drawn by me. Yes.

Little info about me, I have always created stories; did worldbuilding, character making at a very young age. But its not like, just with words, or just drawings..but both. And no, it's not like a comic, I think its literally similar to children books that is filled with words and pictures on it. I think I experienced maladaptive daydreaming at a young age, and in order to cope with the complex daydreams going on with my head, I let them out through writing and drawing in order to actually live life. Its no longer severe now, and I can withstand the urges, but still I experience episodes here and there where I have no choice but to give up everything just to daydream for hours; isolating myself and being in a quiet, dark room, alone..with my head. So yeah.

Anygay, enjoy everyone^^


He can't move his legs.

He should run.

He should run away again, but he can't.

His legs won't follow, his arms won't budge, and so his eyes could do nothing but watch the cabin in flames despite the falling pale rain.

His ears ring so much that he can hardly hear anything, but he can presume that things aren't going well, and he doesn't want to do anything but to freeze up.

He wonders why the cabin is burning.

He wonders why Phil is badly injured and in pain.

Coughing up blood that stains his face and robes.

He wonders why his brother has a dagger on hold against his father's neck.

He wonders when all this will stop.

Someone picks him up, and thank the gods that he's so light..The next thing he remembers is going black..and feeling cold.




The voices scream, chant; almost like a ritual, probably like a roar.

Techno can only pretend he doesn't hear them, drown them out by his rage, his red eyes seething like boiling rubies.

One move could slice Phil's neck off and bleed out.

If he can't kill Wilbur, he can only use his voice,

"Wilbur." He didn't mean to growl, but right now, it doesn't fucking matter.

Despite all things, Wilbur's head remains high, gods he reeks of what remains, as well as smoke, and fire.

He pushes the dagger closer to Phil when the old man attempts to speak, "Silence, Father. You don't want you to end up like Tommy now, do you?"

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now