xxvi - best friends

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Ivory – xxvi ; Best Friends

Created: 07.11.22

Finished: 07.15.22

Edited: 10.09.22 / 10.11.22

Published: 10.23.22


Trigger Warning: dissociation, descriptive mention of blood, knife pulling, treating wound, sewing, staring spells, bee rants

Word Count: 2125

A/N: October's a rush, and I hate it. One morning I woke up and I realise its almost ending, it's kind of sad..things are moving so quickly it's terrifying. Can't believe we're already on 10K reads, like how? You guys are awesome, and glad that you guys are still here. I appreciate those who leave votes, put this book on their reading lists, or comment..I love the comments, I love interacting with you guys- You guys are cool. Stay safe, and again, thank you<3


"What the fuck?!" Tubbo exclaims after keeping Michael inside his room locked shut with his dinner.

Tommy only stares at the other, now letting go of the knife that remains plunged against his skin. While he's ranting how on earth did this happen, he also wonders how this doesn't seem to make him react in the slightest.

Isn't this supposed to at least make him flinch? Cry in pain? What did he expect? He could no longer react to anything, well..mostly anything.

His words end once Tommy places a hand on the other's hair and begins petting it. Tubbo only frowns, but grows silent to appease his friend's silent plea.

A little smile lifts on his face, more like a relieved look he supposes, "We should patch that up.."

He leads Tommy out of the kitchen and to the den he makes him sit down. With a clutter, Tubbo bolts away to get his medic kit to treat him.

Once he gets back, he takes out the bandages, cloth scissors, gauze, even a surgery needle and some threads,

"Alright, big man.." He starts, pulling Tommy's injured arm closer to him to observe the injury. The knife seems close to the bone, so taking it out wouldn't be pretty.

Quite frankly, he might end up in stitches for having a deep cut, else he'll have a terrible scar like he would have on his splitting face.

Preparing the bandages that would apply pressure once the knife is off, Tubbo inhales, nervous of removing the object out of the wound, "This might hurt, Tommy..I'm going to pull it out alright?"

Since he didn't respond, he moves on, his hand on the handle, the other on Tommy's wrist, "On the count of three, I'm taking it out..Three..two..one-"

He pulls the knife out as quickly and lightly as he can, and fumbly places the bandages over the wounds before they would splatter out from the gagged opening.

Tommy didn't seem to have flinched during it, just staring off in space. Tubbo couldn't even believe that that happened. What made Tommy do it?

"We're gonna stay like this for a while huh.." He tries again, tightening his grip against the bandages and the large cut. Tommy remains unresponsive, "You know after this, you might need to be stitched up to close up that wound of yours. You shouldn't have done that..you were just recovering."

Sighing in defeat since the other doesn't seem to have his attention to reality at the moment, he looks away and hums to pass the time while he's waiting for the wound to stop bleeding crazy.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now