li - die 🐈 lässt das 🐁 nicht

186 6 84

Ivory - li ; A Leopard Cannot Change Its Spots

Created: 05.17.23

Finished: 05.17.23

Edited: 08.20.23

Published: 08.21.23


Trigger Warning:  fighting, argument, vulgar swearing and yelling, identity crisis and mentions of past histories

Word Count: 3700

A/N: 10 drafts, 10 more..gonna be over soon, am so excited^^ I'll be making one of the most exciting chapters tonight and I'm just so ajjngonaongaeaagae cuz it gets crazy, but you guys are like..10-11 chapters away so too bad hehehe

Hope you guys are doing alright, whatever's going on with you guys-- I hope your situation's not as bad as mine..haha..hahhhhh im tired-w- enjoy the chapter^^

oh yea, i apologise if the book is generally having multiple povs that i doubt anyone gives sht about, its just..i dont think ill ever come back to write another dsmp-lore book so im using ivory to dump it all in what have i doneXD i checked my list and oh gods, it takes 5 chapters more to actually get a tommy pov, and its a good tommy pov too i hope so am looking forwarrd for it if it gets out- dw, the last 10 chapters of the whole sht is def tommy focused, deserved cuz he'll die soon- i mean, the story will end soon. i forgot tommy cant die, plot armour shet or smth

but yea enjoyXDD



"You sure we did the right thing?"

"It's safer that way. Besides, being on a lookout has its purposes. My point still stands as before..I don't want to get dragged out by this to save people they hardly know."

Eret raises a brow, hardly a meter above their dark glasses as they smile, "And why am I dragged here with you?"

Niki scrunches her look, "You said you wanted to help. Either to die hero, or whatever you're trying to do."

That made them lower their grin, shifting uncomfortably as the two continue to walk around the prison, "Of course I want to help. Can't one person help only for the sake of helping?"

Scoffing, Niki looks away, focusing on where they're going, "A person can, just not you."

Realising that being upset from what they did long ago won't do anything much, they laugh it off instead and move on, "You sure he is to be trusted?"

Looking down, Niki hides her frown from Eret, uncombed hair refrains her from seeing her peripheral vision, "I trust him. He and I...we look out to each other..have each other's backs. Or at least had."

She then sighs, "After our argument, we strayed far..fell apart. He must be surprised that I called him after months of not bothering him."

Eret nods at those words, since they didn't reply, Niki adds more, "He could have helped me, you know..helped us, but he declined to join us here in the fight. I can give my gratitude for ensuring he'll take care of Michael. That at least is better than nothing."

Smiling fondly, Eret faces the walls, noticing the subtle decays hidden away by gold. in contrast of netherite and obsidian,

"Then that makes him a good friend to you. Even if you guys haven't been talking or didn't end too well, in times of need, you two are still willing to support each other. That's nice."

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now