xxviii - amidst the flowers, smells the sea

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Ivory – xxviii ; Amidst The Flowers, Smells The Sea

Created: 08.10.22

Finished: 08.19.22

Edited: 10.11.22 / 11.06.22

Published: 11.06.22


Trigger Warning: vague mention of sewerslide, dissociation, not much trigger warning today I dont think wooh-

Word Count: 2857

A/N: You guys saw nothing. Since I messed something up, I'll just publish this early instead of tomorrow grr- Class returns tomorrow, so hopefully that won't disrupt the progress in finishing this. Even had a writer's block writing a chapter about Tommy's encounter with Wilbur oop- and I wish I could just stay in break forever, I'm tired. I guess we all are when you think about itXD Hope you guys surviving..fighting!-


"Hey, Tommy..wanna go outside? You haven't been out in days."

The two are by the den on a simple fine morning..The house is warm but at the same time, a bit gloomy. While Michael is entertaining himself with blocks and his bee plushie, Tommy is beside him, watching him play.

Tubbo has been reading what Phil left to him, surprisingly it was a long read..full of entries and info about what he should do in order to help recovering Tommy. It's almost overwhelming, and at the same time, he finds it lucky that he wasn't there to witness it all.

Observing the writing style, it's full of tension, stress...He couldn't even finish reading the book for one day with how much information it has, unfathomable information.

He gets up, and leans close to the two of them, "Why don't we all get some fresh air yea? I get that you two need to stay home at all times, but a day going outside wouldn't hurt. Would you like that, Michael?" The piglin snorts happily, getting up with glee. Tommy only looks at Tubbo and blinks.

That's it.

For the past few days, Tommy has been trying to improve his coordination, writing and communication once more. He has been struggling less, as long as he won't get flashbacks or gets triggered

Any sight of sharp objects, surprising him, hell just touching him..it can upset him. Sometimes he's a mess at night, thrashing from the nightmares..to the point that he's willing to not sleep. It's no wonder his eyebags remain on his pale complexion.

His body hasn't changed much either, eating and drinking is still a troubling feat. Tubbo could at least tell he's trying..in some way.

oOo (u found a Todd:D)

"There you go..you can remove it if you feel hot on it.." His friend murmurs, readjusting Tommy's blue coat wrapped around him.

Tommy only stares at him while he's being fussed about, mind blank.

Michael has been waiting at the front door, jumping up and down with his squishmallow tight. One can tell he's excited, far too excited..a kid deprived of the outside world,

"You'll be fine right? We're just going to the valley to chill." His face creases in worry, but Tommy brushes that off by petting Tubbo's hair. He doesn't look so great in return.

"Thanks, bossman.." He murmurs before wrapping the worn green scarf around him. Tommy looks down to stare at it, eyes widened, "Oh sorry- Do you want it off?- It's okay- Whatever makes you-"

The other shakes his head and signs, 'it's okay' at him. Tubbo sighs in relief and ties a knot.

They're all good to go.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now