xxxvii - take a break

466 19 16

Ivory - xxxvii ; Take A Break

Created: 11.03.22

Finished: 11.04.22

Edited: 12.24.22 / 01.21.23

Published: 01.21.23


Trigger Warning: nightmare and some lil stuff, other than that, this is a chill chapter

Word Count: 3002..oop

A/N: My class is sick, so I got sick too..everything hurts. Anygay, this chapter might be boring, sorry in advance, the chapters later are going to be pretty hectic. I'm changing the word count to prolly 2000 or 3000+ for we are on a difficult feat; getting closer to the main conflict and climax..which is what I am nervous about. But hopefully I can appease you guys, and yes..thank you guys so much. Thanks for everything..for the 20K reads, 1K votes..did I mention his before already? and so many many comments I can interact. There are some of you avid readers I can recognize already so hi, hello, and enjoy the well as all of you^^

Hehe a little art dump too. Got a phone so am slowly getting back to digital art..I'm a little rusty bit it'll do for now. Oh yeah, laptop died so am editing this on the phone rn..hahaha crii

"Tommy. Tommy. Wake up."

It hurt. It took a while for his eyes to open, filled with dust that he can't even remove.

His hands were tied up behind him, against a stone, against something he didn't bother knowing what.

He tried to speak but his mouth, he realized that it's gagged.

Now he panicked, his hands trying to break off the know, but of was to no avail.

He could barely remember what happened, but he remembered something at least.

Someone strangled him to unconscious,

"Hey Tommy." Fuck.

The child looked up and faced his archnemesis.

His face was covered by a damaged mask but that smile was plain to see. He wore a dark, green hood..a netherite armour attached to his lean body.

Gods, it was too dark in here.

He was kneeling close to him so their faces would meet, which was something that Tommy did not prefer, yet he didn't exactly have a choice,

"You really put up a fight. You haven't changed at all. Your will to survive is still in you."

Tommy only glared and kept shifting to get out, "But I'll change that."

Everything was still, barren, and cold.

Tommy was so used to being warm and the feeling of cold immediately brought him back to his memories, in exile, prison..especially limbo.

He tried not to be affected by it, but restrained, as well as sensory was far too triggering for him to ignore,

"Does this alone already affect you, Tommy? How low have you gone?"

Tommy of course, unable to say anything but muffled noises, his mouth was still gagged by a cloth, and every time he attempted to speak, he stained it with his own drool,

"Oh right..hold on."

Dream harshly removed the gag off and immediately, the child attempted to bite his hand off like a rabid animal,

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now