i - dull cold

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Trigger Warning: torture, violence, swearing, threats, mentions of death, manipulation

Word Count: 1359

"Tommy, Tommy get up." He grunts, kicking him again, as to which the younger one does not respond.

The two are somewhere in a dark; where it's tight, cold. Most likely, no one would be there to find out what this sociopath's doing to a poor child.

Was it days? Weeks? Even months? Ever since it happened – ever since one of the most dangerous people managed to escape the Pandora's Vault: Dream.

Who he is is not something to be messed with. His strength is as great as his intelligence, and he's manipulative at best. Deceitful, calculated, and vengeful to those that defy him. To those who attempt to bring him down, as he dislikes his ego stained.

His face makes could be anything, and no one will ever know from hiding against that white mask with a simple, yet cursed smile. The mask is known to everyone; that ever sneering face that caused trouble and chaos to the Dream SMP. The one that blew up L'manberg, and killed countless people, including this child right now.

Tommy's that so called main character in the story, probably because he gets himself to so many trouble he couldn't even begin to count. To be a part of the creation of L'manberg, down to being exiled in his own country. He doesn't exactly have per say..the best relationship with Dream, and he'd rather be with anyone besides him.

Out of all people, he's the one that truly knows what Dream really wants, or what he can or can't do. That's for being stuck with him for months straight, alone, and fully manipulated by his strings and his words..both in Exile and at this time.

He remembered his deaths. It doesn't mean much until it's the last life, and the last one he has was rather brutal. Death is something strange to experience; a pain you don't want to feel again, but something familiar worth craving for. Thinking about how his third canon life stripped off of him was terrifying, knowing it was taken from his own abuser.

Of course, because it's from that monster, his death wasn't quick and easy, no. He had to scream, and beg, for the warden to take him out of prison, for his father figure to save him. But no one did, and off his pleas were washed away in the steam the lava makes and that's how he died – beaten to death.

There is something that he mentioned though, while the two were trapped in prison. He threatened the boy, about how he has the capability to bring back the dead. The moment that he's out of prison, the young boy's life would be a living hell - far hellish than it already is.

Ah, dying and living. Being killed and revived again, what a cycle. How it can shatter a mind of a poor boy. Unfortunately, it seemed that his words were like law. The second he's out, he seeked him, and took him away.

The feeling of death is familiar, he felt that already three times - a small streak of white hair already proved of that. Remembering that pain again brought it back, as the masked man's axe met his skin; his stomach, his throat, his chest, his head. God, if anyone could hear how much he screamed, how much he shouted and begged for him to stop, would anyone hear him? Save him

But no one did, Dream made sure of that. He made sure that no one will be able to hear them, as he got to enjoy every second of his misery, as he tasted every drop of blood seeping out of his very pale skin. The tears, the cries, the crimson spattering everywhere, how much it satisfied the necromancer to see it in front of the boy who ruined his life.

And he's not stopping there, not even death could stop him from fulfilling his desire.

Eventually, of course, Tommy had gone quiet and still, it was futile to scream after all. It was useless to fight back, and so he went limp. It must be days for sure, not that it matters. What he expects is another sharp pain of a blade, or a beating from the man's own bare hands anyway. It no longer matters.

In time, he grew weaker and weaker, and as it passes more, he soon gone mute. Now, his eyes meets the floor, as Dream constantly kicks him like he's some piece of meat, wondering if it's dead or alive,

"Tommy, for fuck's sake- I already revived you so get the fuck up."

His legs feel heavy, if ever, he couldn't really feel them. Disconnected, he feels like his limbs weren't his, even his mind. His thoughts are blank and no longer thinks about anything, not even fear and hate of him. The nostalgia and pain he misses in home, no more. Not anymore,

"Tommy, I swear if you won't respond, I'll cut your fucking head off again for sure." Dream threatens, lifting his axe. It has gone a bit strained from the constant use of hurting the kid. But that's probably better; the rougher the blade, the painful it gets.

The words he spat only made the boy move in the slightest, which annoyed the other. How dare he stopped reacting to him? Isn't that the point of doing this?

Because of that, he lets go of his axe, picks him up and slams his slender body to the wall. Tommy didn't even let out a huff of pain from that impact, "You know why I'm doing this to you? The point of doing this is to make you fucking suffer. Every time you cry, you beg for help's actually music to my ears. And you think all the months we spent together were actually enough?"

The boy only stares at the other, rarely blinking. The need to blink doesn't seem to sit right with him anymore, "I'm gonna make you feel what it's fucking like back there, and I'm not done with you. But right now, you've been fucking boring."

He throws him to the wall, which probably caused the other to break a bone or two, but other than that, that didn't really take out anything from him. Tommy only lied down where the hit and gravity led him and stayed there.

This is dull. Really dull. Dream's anger reaches in his throat. God, can this kid ever get infuriating?

First he's loud to piss the fuck out of him, now he's unresponsive even when he's supposed to fucking react to satisfy him,

"You're a fucking waste of space. You can't do anything right. Even to make me feel better from what I've been through. You've been here for months and no one even fucking tried to find you. No one fucking cares about you Tommy. Fucking no one."

Tommy didn't say anything. What can he even say? Retort that it's not true? He's right, no one found him, no one saved him, but does no one really care about him? Anyone at all?

That was ought to hurt him, even if he laughs it away that was ought to hurt him, but it didn't...Why?

A blink in the eyes after minutes of not doing so only made the other stormed out, "Fucking die on your own, I can just get back to check if you're dead for sometime."

With him barely reacting to his words and actions, what's the point of torturing him?

Where he is now would give nothing but a pain in the ass, instead of actually helping anything. He is leaving him here out of spite, and no one would even find him. Besides, no one can find him with all this snow, and he's sure that those two brats doesn't come around in this part of the region.

He can die alone, and he's out of his hair for now, "See you, Tommy. If you actually managed to survive." He chuckles, lifting his hood to cover his head, and off he leaves before the upcoming blizzard will soon rock this region hard.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat