xl - attachments ii

422 16 584

Ivory - xl ; Attachments II

Created: 01.01.23

Finished: 01.02.23

Edited: 02.13.23 / 02.18.23

Published: 02.19.23


Trigger Warning: mentions of death, residual symptoms, hypothermia, burns, blood, wound, heated conversation, potential bob

Word Count: 4372

A/N: Practicing how to do cliffhangers properly, so the chapter ended up having 3 parts...haha I'm slightly fond of this chapter. Because finally, most answers are now revealed here. I do hope that it's not awful, or rushing or anything.

Thank you all for everything, and enjoy^^


"It's been months since I've last seen you..where you been?" Tubbo asks while making some refreshments.

His visitor has been sitting on a random couch, admiring the gigantous building in Snowchester..Its far larger than any infrastructure he's ever been to,

"Here and there. Sorta stayed in my place for a long while when I knew Dream got out. Don't want to get involved with his bullshits too much."

Tubbo frowns, piling the hot choco and pastries on a tray, "I think we all have been. It's a shock that he got out.."

The bald man with red and blue glasses straightens his back, "What about you? How have you been?"

The goat blinks at his question and chuckles, "Erm..I'm doing alright..Just, living you know.."

His friend observes even further, "You look lonely, where're your friends?"

Sighing before sitting at the couch with his friend, he eyes Michael from time to time, who has been playing with toy blocks on the carpet, "Tommy's somewhere, Ranboo's..with him for today."

Disgust rises from his friend's throat, "They left you behind?"

Whereas the other gapes at his sudden conclusion, "No no no- It's- erm- They just had to do something together today. Don't worry, Ranboo will get home soon for Michael. It's already nighttime."

Unconvinced, the bald man sips his cup, "You can tell me what troubles you, you know. I'm here..should have been here sooner honestly.."

Tubbo looks away, "Jack, it's not-"

"Nope, don't give me that bullshit- Talk to me, talk to me- What has been happening in the past months? Tell me, tell me."

He ends up smiling from Jack's pushiness, he appreciates that. Anyone barely asks if he's okay or not, "I don't know..things are complicated now. Things were just..better back then."

Jack nods at that, "You know I would actually do anything to bring things back. 'Cuz life right now is just..fucking god I hate it-"

That made Tubbo laugh, "Yeah..like..thank the gods Michael's still here. He was kidnapped and I got him back. Ranboo..he was..He and I never really ended up going well, Jack..They were just..different, I don't know what to do with them.."

He takes a breath, "As for Tommy..well-"

"What? Did he hurt you or something?"

At this point, Tommy being an asshole isn't a surprise to Jack, revived or not he has always been, and he regrets sympathising with him.

He could never forgive him now,

"No- It's not that- He-"


Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now