xxii - escapism II

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Ivory – xxii ; Escapism II

Created: 06.21.22

Finished: 06.23.22

Edited: 08.29.22 / 09.20-26.22

Published: 09.26.22


Trigger Warning: s/icide attempt, memory loss, visual and auditory flashbacks, death?

Word Count: 2094

A/N: I don't know if I did justice to this, I'm tired. School's been busy and I could barely enjoy doing the things I love, it sucks. I'm sleepy. I'll sleep after this. Oh yeah, this chapter might raises some questions, I'd be happy to answer them. The next chapter would possibly even raise you with more questions. Also, we have a guest in the next chapter, someone you might like. But for now, hope you enjoy this confusing chapter. Stay safe.

Also this might help:

apostrophe with italics - 'thoughts from someone'

underline - letters. notes, messages, etc.

italics - flashbacks/thoughts in limbo

italics and underline - someone from limbo

bold - voices

bold with italics - ???

bold with underline - ???

bold with italics and underline - ???

(i just realised that strikethroughs dont work out no matter how much i copy paste it, it wont save. suchh a shame but oh well)


"Tommy! You're awake! I'm so glad that you are!" A person gets close to him, well more like floating above him.

He has a charming soft smile against his transparent bluish face..hair brown with a maroon  beanie..mustard yellow turtleneck..wait-


The ghost gasps and smiles, "Yes yes! I can hear you, Tommy! Well, not here here but still! You're here!"

What the..you can hear me? I don't think I'm talking..

His mouth seems pasted, his whole body is,

"Sure you do, well..telepathically at least. But that doesn't matter, as long as I can hear you, and you hear me, that's good enough!"

He has a soft, yet bubbling aura..it comforts the kid. Still bummed that he couldn't move much though.

What's going on..who are you?

The other blinks before smiling, "Your memory's still fuzzy as mine, huh? At least I got to keep a book to remember you. There was like a nice guy who came by..he helped me to remember many things, including you since I forget you so many times now." He giggles, smiling anyway,

"My name's Ghostbur! Well Wilbur, but since I'm a ghost, I'm Ghostbur! And you're Tommy..if you forgot about that-"

I remember my name, thank you..Ghostbur..Ghost..bur..I think..I saw you..I met you..back then..at the beach..

"The beach?" Ghostbur repeats, "I came by sometime to see you when you were on a holiday. We did a lot of things together! Building things, doing things...oh yeah! Do you remember Logstedshi-"

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now