xlviii - revengers 2.1

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Ivory - xlviii ; Revengers 2.0 I

Created: 02.02.23

Finished: 02.03.23

Edited: 05.15.23 / 06.14-17.23

Published: 06.18.23

Trigger Warning: not much except recovery and implied death..have a break<3

Word Count: 3751

A/N: going to publish the half of revengers 2.0 prolly tomorrow or the next days, I needed to add something and edit a whole thing. Revengers 2.0 was one of the hardest ones I have to pull off...its a new fresh perspective, take it as an oasis in the middle of the desert..so many info are not known and dramatic irony is heavily applied. I have to be careful what info I spill here, because these characters hardly know what's going on.

Allergies are going rampant lately, simple antihistamines doesn't stop their daily occurrences. It gets harder to breathe and the day doesnt start without me sneezing 2-5 times the moment I wake up. Mentally well though? Let's not talk about thatXD


Also someone replied to the comment i left randomly almost a year ago. It was just me being upset to a child causing trouble and get blamed for it, even though he has little to no awareness of the situation. people said, "oh i could handle the situation better", or "hes dumb for an 11 years old-" or "5 year old me could have dealt with it better-"

I was 13.

No, far lower than that.

It just stopped when I was 13 because someone finally caught him.

I didn't know it was wrong because it was normalised.

It was normal to me.

I was just a kid.

Tommy in the story was just a kid.

Doesn't fuckin matter, if he was 11, I was 13, or people were 15- People shouldn't even experience horrible things like this in the first place.

Kids shouldn't fucking know what even is all this, how wrong it gets- But nope, they get blamed for not fighting back, running away- what the fuck?? Its not their fucking fault!

anygay, i should take the experience to good use- trauma = potential good angst sht /j /j

hopefully u guys wont notice the sudden change of tone there like nothing happened0-0;; nothing to see here-




Her glow is faint.

Flickering as it grows dimmer.

It darkens and comes to a stop.

Dying but alive.

Her amber eyes glow in the dark.

Almost like fire in such a cold surrounding.

The gales shout to keep her shut.

But she keeps herself alive.

Why does she keep herself alive?

Along a fire, there comes a light.

Its small, but its glow overpowers everything in its wake.

She thought it was hope.

But it holds nothing but terror.

Despite all that, she does not fear it.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now