xxx - are you still you?

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Ivory – xxx ; Are You Still You?

Created: 08.28.22

Finished: 08.29.22

Edited: 11.17.22

Published: 11.20.22


Trigger Warning: dissociation, flashbacks, exposure therapy attempt, outburst, breakdown, panic attacks

Word Count: 2556

A/N: nom nom nom..nom nom the stress away..Have a feeling that I might take a break from all of this. Even if I have free time, I don't have the energy to deal with all this. I don't want to abandon the story, at the same time, might as well? I really want to focus on other stuff, oneshot stories..I always prefer that than writing a whole book, since this is draining.

Oh yeah, the finale was really good, and am really glad the ending and the new info didn't affect much in this story. Some of my theories are correct so not much will change..thank the gods. The only thing that really bummed me most is the confirmation of c!Sam having different bodies and his past relationship with c!Phil. It's not too important, at the same time, it could make a butterfly effect in time.

I was ought to publish the continuation of the previous chapter, but hey, why not shift the perspective to the clingyduo in honour of the finale? Cuz hahaha- it was painful. Anygay, here u go, enjoy^^


'This is going to be hard.' That's what he thought as he watched Tommy taking steps on the Prime Path.

Months have passed, yet his creation still stands strong. Although some people like to ruin it, along with his old dirt house, Tubbo tries to fix it all up, and also a few attempt to mend it back to the way it was.

Time has passed, and there are some who still hate him.

Anyway, he has a plan today, but he's unsure if Tommy's going to like it.

Frowning, he eyes his static demeanour; his pale state, wide stare, stiff movements, everything.

He is getting better, right?

Tubbo no longer knows the answer. He never did, did he?

"Tommy." He calls him. Of course at first, Tommy didn't stop and look back to face him. Still, his attention stays on a bee flying around.

Usually he'd say something about that insect resembling him, as the other would giggle at the connection.

The days..the good old days.

Things have changed, and was it all for the better or worse?

"Tommy..Hey." He carefully clasps his friend's back, and at least that got his attention completely.

Tommy blinks and looks at his behind and gives a long stare at his friend. He could never get used by it, even though he probably should.

Gulping, Tubbo forces a smile, just for Tommy, "Why don't I take you somewhere? We still have all the time while Ranboo is with Michael."

Tommy didn't exactly budge, and so he continues, "There's a place I want you to revisit, it's..really important. You know, for you, for me..for the both of us. We usually hang out there, I'm not even sure if you remember what that place is."

Shaking his head, Tommy tries to think what it could be, but of course: head empty, "I can take you there, if it's alright with you."

It took more than a few seconds for Tommy to give a small nod, but that was already a yes to Tubbo.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now