xl - attachments iii

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Ivory - xl ; Attachments III

Created: 01.02.23

Finished: 01.04.23

Edited: 02.19.23 / 02.24.23

Published: 02.24.23


Trigger Warning: residual symptoms, heated conversation, violence, wounds, blood, weapons, nonconsensual physical contact..bob..big bob incoming

Word Count: 4705

A/N: I'm late..I know. And am sorry, everything's just soo busy and it drained my energy. Everytime I go home, I deal with my baby brother and chores cuz parents aren't around at night so I'm tired..am flunking..school is tiring..everything is just..ugh. But it's fine, still making the finale, still enjoying, but am less motivated in publishing at the moment. So, it might get slow..but if I predict right, the whole book is going to be completed by May. That's my goal.

This is big bob, might be heavily confusing..so yea, I changed a lot of stuff for this. Added a few ideas to make it more interesting and confusing for you guys. Enjoy the chaos before the limit comes around.


She can feel a cold touch..clutching her cheek, then down her neck. It's not a comforting feeling, but she can't squirm away.

There's no point to open her eyes, it's nothing but void anyway. But she'd rather be anywhere than here, away from the man, away from his control,

"Don't touch me." She whispers, illegal to speak but still she spoke. The man, surprised at her tone, only to continue to feel her hair, her cheeks her eyes- Stop this- "I told you to stop!-"


Ivory isn't ought to speak.

This isn't right.

Attachment is incorrect.

This is wrong.


The feeling of waking up seeps through her but for some reason she fights back, beckoning to stay.

Staring at him makes her sleepy, she can't break the connection. Not right now. She needs to know where he is.

"I'm not leaving if I can't find you. You're in danger.." She begs, walking forward to grab hold of his wrist once she can see him,

Tommy looks so..so different. Hard to admit..but she has missed his golden locks, his cornflower eyes..and that smile. That smile of his.

Not to mention his irritable determination to live,

"Tommy..don't give up on me..Not right now..Please, lead the way..get us out of here.." Blinking, Tommy numbly nods at her plea and gets up.

Niki shudders at his bones cracking, his broken figure yet for some reason, he can still walk. When he takes a step, Niki does so too..following where he's trying to go.

The cave was nothing but a labyrinth but Tommy sees it like it's nothing. As he flawlessly passes through left and right, Niki can only frown at how much he finds this place recognizable already.

He must have walked into this place more than once..escaped more than once. He has memorised where Dream goes, he has memorised which is the best path to be used to escape.

That fact alone is uncanny.

Suddenly, Tommy stops and drops his body down but Niki takes him up, "No- No no no no Tommy stay with me- Please, not right now-"

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now