xxxvix - crack II

463 18 302

Ivory - xxxvix ; Crack II

Created: 12.29.22

Finished: 12.30.22

Edited: 01.02.23 / 02.05.23

Published: 02.05.23


Trigger Warning: fighting, blood, wounds, weapons

Word Count: 2103

A/N: i dont want to go to school.

oh yea, thanks to someone, i got to retrieve the former book cover..and now am conflicted. Should I keep this art, or revert it back to the old one? hahha idk, either willl do.

am feelin kinda blue..and grey i think? thats all i can say ig..enjoy u guys. hope u guys are well.


"I wanna do that too!"

"You can hardly hold anything, let me handle it."

Tommy stares at the horizon, filled with nothing but white.

It's far different than what it was in Snowchester, but still, he still misses that place.

He wonders what Tubbo is up to. How is Michael doing?

Ghostboo has been nagging Techno to let them do the snow job, while the other tries his best to ignore them.

Why is Techno grinding a lot of snow anyway?

"Hey Tommy." Phil sits down with him on a pile of snow, "Talked to Techno and he ensures he'll wrap his work all up before it gets dark. He senses another snowstorm coming, can't you believe how cognizant that pig could get? You could barely get any sleep from his worries lately."

Tommy blinks, so Techno has been getting restless nowadays.

He finds that unusual since he has always known Techno being the nonchalant, surprisingly, the optimistic one ever.

Whenever he's with him, it's like..he'll always be safe by his side, that's because he'll handle everything he faces head on, just to protect he cares about.

He has always wanted to be like him, he has a feeling he has always striven to treasure those he cares about.

As for Phil, there's no other words to describe..He's the only father figure that can actually tolerate his behaviour.

He will forever be grateful for his patience, and even if they're not blood related, still he treats Tommy as his own son in some way.

He doesn't remember how a father is supposed to act..even if Phil is not perfect, it's enough for him.

"You alright over here?"

He nods, leaning close to him..His wings are warm, making him

Phil accepts it openly and wraps him up with a wing, burying him close, "It's peaceful..too peaceful, don't you think?"

Tommy inhales and exhales deeply, grateful of the calm, "Got a message from Niki, you know?"

The silent one peers at Phil with a curioused look,

"She's going to try visiting more often, and she wants to catch up life with you..Thank the gods. She has been burrowing herself in that city for so long..she needs some air, and someone to talk to.."

Tommy frowns, and raises his hands, 'I thought she fears me.'

Phil shakes his head, "Whatever happened to her, I don't think you meant it. Your symptoms are difficult to manage, but it seems that it's starting to affect people. Not just Niki, but Wilbur as well."

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now